Motherly And Brotherly Love - Preggo Sauce

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Tord's small bump had grown significantly, it had only been a month or two but he'd nearly doubled in size. It sure made moving around awkward, and he most definitely couldn't go out with the others. So that left him alone at home while his boyfriends were at their jobs. Edd usually stayed home, but today he had an important meeting about a job opportunity, and couldn't miss it. Tord sighed, pulling the blanket further over his shoulders. He'd popped a cheesy Disney movie into the DVD player, but wasn't really paying attention. His head shot up, however, when the TV played a loud gunshot. There was a baby deer scrambling to escape men who were out hunting, and his mother lay unmoving in the snow. He had no clue what came over him, but he suddenly wondered how his boyfriends would fare without him. He'd heard many horror stories about mothers dying in labor, especially with multiples, and triplets wasn't helping his case. Maybe he'd become like this poor doe, doomed to die for the good of his children.

He shook those depressing thoughts away, wiping a stray tear from his face.

"It's just a damn movie," he sighed, "No need to get all Edgar Allen Poe."

He went back to scrolling through his phone, a hand on his belly to track his children's movements. Then, he felt a kick that wasn't aimed for his walls. He felt all three of his children shift, one of them moving almost a full two centimeters away from their siblings.

"Did one of you just kick your brother?" he asked aloud.

He got his answer when it happened again, the poor sibling on the receiving end shifting to be closer to his cervix.

"Oh my god, you three are bullying him and he hasn't even left my womb yet," he chuckled, rubbing where he felt their heads in an attempt to soothe his children.

He reached for his phone, sliding left to open the camera so that he could record a video. He waited, occasionally shifting his weight, until he it happened again. He pulled up his boyfriends' group chat, sending the video along with a message.

'your children are bullying their little brother'

He chuckled, trying to shift the squirmy trio around so that they could be more comfortable. His phone dinged, and he read the message Tom had sent back.

'i'm pretty sure he got it from you'

He was about to reply with a snappy comeback, when he felt something odd. It wasn't a kick, but it felt like something was pushing against his walls. He put a hand to where he felt the pressure, and noticed the imprint of a tiny hand. He quickly snapped a pic and send it to the guys.

'little one's exploring'

Tord massaged the area as the hand pressing against his womb shifted to the right. He let out a satisfied hum, it was almost as if his child was assuring him that he was fine.

"It's alright little one," he cooed, cradling his belly, "Just a few more weeks, and they won't be kicking you anymore."

Speaking of, another kick was aimed to his child's head, and Tord huffed. He was going to make sure that this child was reimbursed for all the trauma he'd suffered before he was born.

His phone buzzed again, playing a soft electronic track that he instantly recognized as his ringtone for Tom. He quickly answered it, wincing as the stretch to the coffee table pulled his back in a weird way.

"And here I thought you were supposed to be working," he joked.

Tord could almost hear Tom's eye roll, but the eyeless Brit sounded happy to hear from him.

"I saw your text," he said, "Let's hope our kid doesn't have a concussion as he's coming out."

"Tom, that's a serious thing that could happen!"

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