What An Eggcellent Time! [Ovi]

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[There's a few blowjob, rimming happens, and rip Tord in general the poor guy]

"Toooooom." Usually the six foot tall hybrid would ignore this sort of call of his name. Usually meaning not today. Today and the few weeks prior he always seemed to be running around the house, going between the bedrooms and the kitchen. Never a single moment to himself. Running into Tord's room, he found his previous rival curled up on his bed, middle large and divited.

"What's wrong Tord?" Tom sighed softly scratching his head with his claws. This was the problem with going into rut while your friends were home. Accidently laying eggs into your friends was an experience... all three were constantly needing attention from him it seemed, and his instincts were coupling what had to have been a hidden anxiety.

"I'm cold... and lonely." watching as a small uncharacteristic pout became visible on Tord's face, Tom pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Tord I can't. What if Matt and Edd need me?" Watching as the pout deepened on the other's face, he groaned softly. "Look if you're willing to leave your room and I can get the other two to do that too, I'll let all three of you in my room. Is that alright?" His instincts were trying to overpower his brain and judgement, trying to make him hold and pretty much baby Tord with how vulnerable he was acting. Watching as he received a nod, Tom had to catch the off-balance communist before he fell off his bed. After dropping off said commie on his own bed, he walked down the hall to both Edd and Matt's rooms before carrying both to his room as well. Letting his three swollen friends lean against each other had him sighing in relief. Finally some quiet after being constantly on the move between rooms for the past eight and a half weeks. Falling into his desk chair, he ran his clawed hands through his hair. How was he going to handle all three of them when it was time for the eggs to come out? Why couldn't his mind and body listen to each other for once. This all would have been hundreds of times easier if he had only laid the eggs into one of them.

"Tom?" Hearing his name from the bed he saw three sets of eyes staring at him, waiting. Giving a small smile on return, he stood from his chair and moves over to the bed, sitting behind the trio.


"How many can you feel? I know there's at least seven in me." Edd looked over at Tord, rubbing his middle carefully. "Matt thinks he has five." Glancing over at where the ginger was asleep on the end of the bed, Edd's head snapped back to Tord as he heard a muffled groan.

"I don't know how many but I do know that I feel heavy and full and it's making me horny. Where the hell did Tom go." Tord shifted his hips, grunting in dissatisfaction as the movement only made his feeling of need worse. It was silent for a few moments before Edd spoke up having placed his hand on his close friend's shoulder.

"Do you want me to help you? I think Tom went down to the market because we were low on supplies or something." Shifting up onto his knees as best as he could, he smiled as he was given a questioning look from his devil horned roommate.

"How do you think you're going to help me? There's not much either of us can do with the eggs in the way." A deep blush spread over Edd's cheeks, the brunette embarrassed about what he had thought to do.

"Lay back against the pillows and get comfortable."

"You don't really think that you can screw me while we're like this do you?" Tord laughed softly before moving up the bed, his back hitting the copious amounts of pillows that Tom managed to keep on the bed. The hybrid said that it would be safer to keep more bedding in his room so he wouldn't need to run across the house during the 'nesting' stage. It was obvious that even he didn't understand his monster instincts.

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