Chapter Eleven: No u

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Happy Christmas!!

This is the last chapter, make hesure most of it 💜


It was funny how one word could make Ally's heart flutter like that. He was willing to make that sacrifice for her and she was stunned!

A grin slid onto her face and he smiled back in the dimly lit hall as coloured lights moved over the iconic duo. They weaved their way back through the crowds and fought the entourage of people coming through the narrow doorway in the opposite direction. As they at last breathed fresh air, the two of them simultaneously grabbed each others hands and ran with no particular destination in mind.

The wind rushing through Ally's hair was freeing and she laughed as she imagined the image of the two of them running away from their prom hand-in-hand in high heels and a tuxedo. Hearing her laugh, Sam stopped and they both keeled over in laughter, savouring the moment.

"You feeling any better?" Sam recovered and watched Ally with amusement written over his face.

"Yes, thanks for coming!"

"Where should we go, we've got ages until we are expected home?"

"I fancy some ice-cream," It was a hot night and the humidity in the dark air hung all around them.

"Same place as last time?"

"You know it!"

"Race you!" Sam began to run and quickly left Ally far behind him. He slowed a little for her to catch up and yelled, "Slow poke!"

"But it's not fair, I've got a dress and high-heels..."

"Then take them off."

"What?" Ally blushed bright red.

"I meant the high-heels..." Sam ran a hand through his hair and looked away.

"Oh... Well I could take off my heels but I don't want to stand on glass or something with bare feet."

"Or we could just do this," Sam stepped towards Ally and scooped her up in his arms - bridal style. She squealed as he held her and giggled as she looked up at his handsome face which was already calculating the fastest route to the ice cream parlour.

Her legs hung loose, swaying freely as he carried her and she observed his green eyes as they peeked down to glance at her. His lips twitched into a smile as they watched each other.

It was not long before Sam swung her around and placed her back on her feet so that they could enter the ice-cream parlour together.


After having chosen, they sat in a booth and talked the night away, paying no attention to the staff setting down around them.

"Excuse me, we are closing soon so it would be great if you two could pack up."

"Uh... sure."

They headed out the door which was swiftly locked behind them and upon taking a look at the time, decided to head home, they had already spent over two hours talking to eachother about their lives.

They walked in comfortable silence, glancing at each other to ensure they were not imagining the other from time to time. Up the driveway, Sam walked her to the door.

"Thank you for making such a magnificent night!"

"No, you are the one who made it magnificent," Ally grinned up at him and shook her head.

Sam leaned in and placed a kiss gently on her forehead causing her to blush profusely. His head hovered there for a moment and then he backed away, whispering softly while laughing, "No u."



But don't remove this book from your reading library just yet!! There will be sneak peeks of the sequels to come perhaps some cheeky bonus chapters 😉

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