Chapter Five: Oops...

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Is this what you think it is? Indeed, this is one of the rare and beloved mid-week uploads 😯


Cas heard the ping of a notification on her phone and picked it up to check the reason. The last week had been too boring, her friends were due a meet-up party, that must be it. She was surprised however, to see a message on Instagram from @samcooper, wondering who it was, she tapped open the message:

Hi, this is Sam. I'm the guy you saw yesterday at the bus stop. I haven't been able to find Ally's Instagram profile, maybe you could send me the username?

Cas grinned, this kid was clearly crushing on Ally, oh the simple joys of primary school life!

Ally doesn't have Instagram but I can give you her number, btw - some relationship advice here - girls like it when guys call them rather than text. It's: 077299 38512. Good luck! : )

She snuck out onto the landing and crept up to Ally's bedroom. Sitting down against the wall, she set made herself comfortable, expecting a long wait.


"Hi?" Ally was surprised to hear someone calling her, it was Saturday. The only people who called were her parents, and they surely wouldn't want to disrupt their business dinner for a friendly chat with their daughter... She assumed it was a scam caller and hovered her finger over the button for hanging up, the number wasn't registered on her phone either, so she couldn't see who it was.

Silence. She brought her thumb down against the screen, but it didn't hang up, the screen had gone to sleep. She pressed the power button and tapped it again, during the delay, she heard "Hi Ally, it's S-" then the called dropped. Her heart stopped at the sound of his voice. What was he doing calling her?

"Oh, shit!!! SHIT. SHIT. SHIT." Ally fumbled with her phone, she just hung up on Sam Cooper! Trying to find his number in the list of recent numbers, she accidentally called her Gran but then hung up before the call connected.

She found the number. Okay, breathe. She took a deep breath and dialled.


-beeep. Sam glanced at his phone, surely there couldn't be bad connection at such a crucial time. But no. His screen told him otherwise. She'd hung up on him. What did I even do to her? Okay fine. Everything. But she was acting like she had forgiven me, how come she's gotta toy with me like this??

He turned his phone off and threw it at his bed from his place on the gaming bean bag in his bedroom, frustration building in him like a wild beast.


"Sorry, this number is unavailable." What? I missed my only chance to talk to Sam... Now he probably thinks I hate him and so he hates me back. He'll never defend me against Tori again!! Ally burst into tears, how come there had to be some much drama? Her life could practically be made into a reality TV show at this point...

Ally's Saturday continued, however, as life does. She soon found herself slumped down in her bed, wondering what he had called her to talk about.


Cas slowly grew more and more confused and bored, she had heard Ally's phone ring but it seemed that Sam and her hadn't spoken a word. Eventually, getting too dehydrated to continue, she crept downstairs and made two milkshakes. Nicole was sitting in the kitchen, finishing off a tub of Hagen Das ice-cream. Seeing the second milkshake, she assumed it was for her and reached out to drink it but Cas slapped her hand away. "It's for Ally," she snarled. "You have ice-cream anyway, you don't need a milkshake as well. No wonder your boyfriend dumped you, you probably squished the air out of him with your weight when you were straddling him."

"Ouch." Nicole's sarcastic nature was evident from her choice of words.

Glaring at her one last time, Cas picked up the shakes and ascended the stairs.

The truth is, however, that everyone's weaker than they let on. At the sound of the door closing upstairs, Nicole spat out her mouthful and threw the rest of her ice-cream into the bin. Feeling her eyes begin to water, she rushed to the privacy of her bedroom.


Opening the door to Ally's room, Cas saw that Ally was fast asleep, crusted tears, half dry on her cheeks. Not wanting to interrupt, she left the milkshake on her messy desk and walked out.

As she stepped into the hallway, she heard the front door open and the jingle of keys as her parents entered the house after another busy day. They were once again discussing exchange rates and business strategies. Gritting her teeth, Cas slammed the door to her own bedroom and holding her head in her hands, sank down onto the carpet.


Um... The last chapter was really short and I'm feeling like you guys are getting bored because of how scarcely I upload, is that true? Anyway, that's the reason for this new chapter so soon.

Sorry that there are so many changes in point of view, hope it wasn't too confusing, comment if it was x

Hope you enjoyed reading and please vote if you did xxx

P.S. I'm looking for new people to shoutout and dedicate my chapters to, comment and be super active for the chance...

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