Chapter Seven: A Date?

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Ally was awake at 8:14, she'd smiled as she slowly climbed out of bed and noticed the milkshake sitting nearby. Taking a quick sniff to check it was still ok to drink, she assumed it must have been from Cas, her sister was known for her famous and flavoursome milkshakes. Then, she pulled her furry blanket over herself and sat back in her bed to drink it.

Glancing around for something to entertain her, Ally saw her phone and grunted as she recounted the events of last night... She slowly reached out for it, knowing that nothing could change Sam's mind, he would hate her for sure now.

Taking it in her hands, she opened and watched a few videos, then she got out of bed, slipping on her fluffy slippers and padding off to the bathroom where she quickly got showered and then went downstairs for breakfast. Coming back up the stairs, she brushed her teeth and changed into a casual pair of jean shorts and a plain t-shirt.

Back in her room, she sat down and played with her phone, still regretting everything from last night. At 9:27, she received a notification for a text from an unknown number. Her heart stopped and she rushed to tap on it.

Just now

Hi, it's Sam. I called you last night but you hung up, I was just wondering why, that's all.

Hi, I'm so sorry, I thought it was a prank caller because I didn't recognize the number. What's up?

Ally hesitated and then tapped send. She could hardly believe her eyes and waited for a response to her attempt at sending a casual text.

Oh, np. I'm kinda bored, you wanna meet up? I sort of want to talk to you about everything

Okay? Where?

Sam was surprised at her immediate response and now stalled as he wished he had planned things out before starting to text her.

You like ice-cream? I'll pay and we could go down to the ice-cream parlour on the row of shops by school, take it as my apology I guess...

But when?

At 10:30?



Sam laughed nervously, each time he waited for her answer he worried she would change her mind and decide against it, thankfully, she didn't and they agreed on the time and place, he had around half an hour to get ready.

He leapt out of bed and rushed to the toilet, brushing his teeth extra thoroughly and stuffing a piece of gum into his mouth. Then, he rushed to his wardrobe and picked out a pair of jeans and a clean shirt. Making his way to his chest of drawers, he pulled out the cologne his grandfather had given him for Christmas which he had never worn and sprayed it over himself, wishing to smell nice.

With that done, he walked through the living room to the kitchen where he found his Dad cooking delicious pancakes.

"Are these for me?" It was late and Sam was hungry for breakfast.

"Of course, son. Help yourself!"

But then Sam remembered that he couldn't have breakfast at home since he was going to eat with Ally at the ice-cream parlour.

"I'm so sorry Dad but I arranged to meet up with a friend for breakfast..."

"You're leaving me?" His Dad faked heartbreak.

"I'm so sorry, I only planned it just now, we can have them for lunch?" He replied feebly with guilt plastered across his face.

"Indeed. Aren't you a clever boy! I must say, that was one of my genes you inherited while you inherited your mothers good looks."

"Um, Dad... Mum's cleverer than you."

"Did I just hear a mouse? Sam, you should check behind the sofa to make sure we don't have a mouse hiding in our home!"

"Admit it Dad, she's the one with a massive house while we both live in this dingy flat!"

"You don't mind do you? I thought you didn't mind... I can work harder if you really hate it here." His Dad turned serious, surprised at Sam's sudden outburst.

"No, no. I don't really mind, I'm just tired..."

"Are you sure?"

"Well... Not really, I mean, it is a bit embarrassing inviting friends back here when most of them live in massive houses."

Sam looked at the floor and remembered he had to leave in order to meet Ally in time. He ran out of the flat and down the stairs to the main door to the building, forgetting his phone in his hurry to leave.


After finalizing the details with Sam, Ally glanced at the time only to see that she had a little over thirty minutes to get ready.

She rushed to her wardrobe first, tearing off the top she'd been wearing for two days and putting on a cute dress the family stylist had told her brought out her green eyes.

Then, she rushed to Cas' room and asked to borrow some make-up. Cas was on her phone - probably texting Matt - and looked up at the sight of her flustered sister.

"Sit down." Cas was up in a minute, grinning from ear to ear as she knew what was going on. She ran to the bathroom and picked up her cosmetic bag, bringing into her room to where Ally had placed herself. She then tore it open, applying a little concealer and foundation to her sister's baby-face.

"How thick do you want it to be?"

"Minimal, I don't want him to know I tried..."

"Ooo, good idea! Sounds like something I would do, after-all, it's just a first date."

It suddenly clicked for Ally, as Cas was curling her eyelashes.

"Wait, hang on a second... How come you know I'm meeting up with Sam? And it's not a date, he could never like me, he's a bully."

Cas laughed, how foolish she was being, "Let's just say that Sam and I have met."

"What do you mean?" Ally demanded.

"STOP! You are making yourself look angry! That is not a good look for a girl to have if she wants to be attractive."

"Oh, forget it!" Ally yelled, jerking herself away from the mascara wand Cas held to her eye.


Thanks so much for sticking with me, it means a lot that you read this and enjoy it!

Please vote and comment, see you next week!! xxx

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