Chapter Nine: Dream Land

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It's been a long time guys, sorry for that but I'm planning to try and wrap this story up pretty quickly. I have a problem with starting new books without finishing those before that... Hehehe, comment if you are a writer who can relate x


Ally ran a brush through her hair one last time, she was alone in the house since her sisters had all left for school already. Empty houses still stressed her out even though she should have been used to them by now. It was for this reason that she rushed the mascara that Cas had given her a week ago and ended up smudging it on her eyelid. She grabbed a tissue and squeezed out a little make-up removing solution on it. Shoving it onto her closed eye, she rubbed the spot she had messed up. Taking the tissue away, she opened her eye to reveal that it was far worse than a few seconds before, all the tissue had done was take the rest of the mascara off her lashes and smear it around her eye. Ugh.

Ally threw her bike in the vague direction of an empty space in the bike racks and ran into the school, she had cycled but was still likely to be late for registration. Running up the stairs at the front of her school, she pushed the front door but it wouldn't budge. It had a poster stuck to it reading: 'Leavers' Prom'.

"In two weeks!?" Ally exclaimed as she read further down.

"Hurry up you idiot, it's a pull door!" An impatient voice sounded from behind her.

Turning around and seeing it was Tori, she grabbed for the door handle and pulled it open.

"There's no point in getting excited about it, you have to have a date or else you can't go." Tori shoved Ally out of the way and stormed through the door, her ponytail swishing behind her as she made a grand entrance.

Ally took a deep breath, four more weeks until the summer holidays and then she would never have to see that cruel girl again.


Watching Tori slam the door to their classroom shut in her face, she ran a hand through her hair and walked in with a fake smile plastered on her face. The class was talking still which meant that she wasn't late - phew - and that all her classmates had seen the advertisement for prom. A group of Tori's friends were twirling their hair around their fingers as they tried to flirt with her brother. Both Sam and her looked bored and annoyed but his head flicked round to the door and a smile lit up his handsome features as he made eye-contact with Ally. He stood up as Maisy was in the middle of explaining the style of dress she was going to wear to prom to him, he grabbed Ally's arm and made her sit down next to him.

"Have you heard about the Leavers' Prom?"

"Yeah, have fun." Ally sounded disinterested.

"Wait, what? Are you not going?" The smile dropped off Sam's face.

"Of course not, you have to have a date to go, it's not just a disco..."

"Oh... Well-" Sam opened his mouth to speak but that was when Miss Munnings entered the classroom and called for quiet.


Sam wore threw a shirt over his head as he heard his Dad calling from the kitchen to hurry up. Heading to the door of his room, he turned back and glanced at himself in the mirror for a second. Sighing, he ripped his shirt off and wore the shirt he had already tried on twice that morning. It was a mufti day at school so he didn't have to wear uniform but at this point he was probably going to be late considering the time he had taken to decide on a simple shirt.

At the door, Sam's Dad patted him on the back as he grabbed his hoodie and they headed out into the light shower. Rain pelted down on them and Sam lifted his school bag above his head to avoid getting wet.

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