Chapter Three: Big Confrontations

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Dedicated to -LNatalia for being so active on all of my works xxx


"Oi! Ally! You moved your seat, why was that?"

"Glad you noticed." She dead-panned with a roll of her bright ocean-blue eyes.

"Ally, please. I don't know what I've done to upset you but I'll do whatever it takes to be forgiven."

"Will you now?" She carried on walking.

"Yes actually, I will."

"Well, could you please leave me alone because at the moment that is what I really want."

"Ok, anything but leave you alone."

"Why do you care about me all of a sudden?" Ally stopped her striding, suddenly turning on him, "You obviously didn't when you said I was an orphan, or when you stole my lunch in year 3 or when..."

"That was then and this is now." Sam interrupted.

"What difference does it make? Before, you used to hate me and I used to hate you and now - guess what - I still hate you."

Burying his head in his hands, he thought, 'hate' is such a powerful word.

"Give me one reason that I should ever even acknowledge your existence."

There was nothing.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't hate you for the rest of my life."

"Give me more than five reasons why you should. I don't know. Ok, I don't deserve it, like, at all but would you give me one chance. I'm not going to say one more chance because you haven't really given me any but please..."

"A chance at what?"

"I don't know, I wouldn't mind being your boyfriend." That was not supposed to come out!


"I didn't mean that, oh my goodness, I should not have said that. " Sam thought aloud.

Ally was amused, "What? Would you be ashamed to go out with me then?"

"No, not at all, I just mean that..." Sam looked away.

"...You'd like to go out with me."

Sam broke his stare-off with his shoes and smiled, "Yeah, I guess so."

"You're so cute when you're all flustered!"

"I guess..."

"Stop saying 'I guess' and ask me out or something."

"Would you actually say yes?"

"Maybe," Ally smiled cheekily.

"Wanna go out with..."

"No. I can't do this. I'm sorry." Ally turned and ran out of the school for the second time that week.

As her ginger hair disappeared, Sam had de ja vu - what had he done wrong? But this time he had an answer, an answer he hadn't been willing to admit last time - she hated him - in her mind, he was still the bully he had always been. Maybe he could prove to her that he'd changed and was sorry, maybe not, but it was worth the try.

Turning, Sam headed towards reception, "Miss," it was the same receptionist, "I did it again. I was... I got carried away with myself... I... I yelled at her and she just ran away, obviously thinking that I was going to fulfil my threat."

"Ok Sam, thank you for telling me. You are going to have to speak to the headmaster though, take a seat, I'll get him to come ASAP."


"No... Cas! I did it again!" Immediately, Cas, in her unstable position halfway up the stairs, was taken aback.

"You didn't!?" She couldn't believe her ears.

"Cas, come to my room. I need to talk about it,"

"Not until I call reception. If Mum and Dad hear about it, we'll be killed."


"You're back..." Ally snuffled into her pillow.

"You are one lucky girl!"

"How? I get so emotional in school that I run away and you call me lucky!?"

"For any child, whether you had 'family issues' at home or not, you would get suspended or at least have to sit through lunch-time detentions for a week, but you have luck, in the form of a boy called... Sam?"

At the mention of his name, Ally leapt in the air and a massive sob rang out through the house. Cas, who had previously been standing in the doorway, moved forwards, placing her arms gently but comfortingly around her sister.

"He covered for you, said that he'd threatened to hurt you and was yelling at you, he didn't actually do that or else he wouldn't have owned up right?"

"No, he didn't do that." Ally was starting to see Sam in a new light.

"You have to go in now to talk to the headmaster though, Sam has been held back as well."

"But how am I gonna get there, Mum and Dad can't drop me off?"

"I've already phoned a taxi and it's on its way."


"Can you come in with me?" Cas's lip-gloss glistened as they stood outside the school reception.

"No, they will easily tell that I'm not your Mum if I go in, I'll wait by the bus stop. Good luck!" So with a little squeeze on her shoulder, Ally was left to face the consequences.

"I presume that you are Ally Leaves?"

"Yes miss."

"Have you not come with a parent?"

"I have but my mother only just had enough time to drop me off not take me in and my Dad, well, he is always busy."

"I see, in that case, could you please take a seat just across the hall by Mr Weaver's office."

Just as Ally perched herself on the edge of a chair, Sam came out of the door.

"Oh, hi Ally, I didn't know they had got you to come in. It was all my fault, I've said sorry to them and I would really like to say sorry to you now."

"Just because you say sorry doesn't mean I'm forgiving you, you know." But Ally was smiling from ear to ear. The grin vaporised as she heard a polite cough from the doorway behind Sam.

"I'm afraid we do have to talk to you as well, Ally. To confirm details and help you understand that whatever the circumstances, you are not to leave the school premises during the day and there are places you can go to talk to someone about bullying," with this, he turned to Sam. "You are free to leave now, are your parents picking you up?"

"No, I'm getting the bus." Ally pictured her sister, waiting outside in the cold on an empty stomach and felt guilty for making her go through this.


Sorry that this is a day late... at least it's a pretty long chapter.

Their talk was so cute wasn't it? Do you ever accidentally say what you were thinking which you didn't want someone to hear? Comment your story...

Stay active and please share my story if you like it!!

Thanks so much for getting me to #561 in middleschool, I know it's not much but it still gives me little bursts of joy!! : )

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