Chapter Four: A Coincidence

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Dedicated to xHailzx6 for giving me emotional support in my writing even though I know you haven't read this far lol xxx


A boy approached her, moving with soft but deliberate footsteps and keeping his eyes trained on the ground. As he drew near, Cas could see that he was wearing a scuffed up uniform similar to her sister's. She shuffled along the bench to give him room and he glanced up, breaking his stare-off with the ground for one second, before joining her. As he sat there, he made no move to reach for a phone on which he might spend his time playing useless games. Instead, he just stared at his hands as if they might answer his questions, might tell him what she had been thinking, might grant him the chance he so badly needed to prove himself worthy.

Sensing that he was being watched, he peeled his eyes away from his lap and looked back at the girl sitting next to him. She was shamelessly watching him and made no attempt to look away or conceal the fact that she had been staring had him for the past minute. He was fed up with being judged and felt inclined to punch her in the face right then and there, surely that would wipe that stupid lipstick smeared smile off her face. But then he noticed there was something familiar about how she watched him, something he had seen before in someone else.

An intense eye-contact which made him feel like he was burning up that he had experienced before. And then all of a sudden he knew. His pulse rate sky-rocketed and his breathing sped up to match it.

"Hey there. Sorry for staring, I was just curious because I swear your school let out ages ago. Shouldn't you be at home by now? Oh, did you miss your bus, is that it?" Cas improvised.

Sam stumbled over his words, he now remembered exactly who the girl was. He had seen her trying to hug Ally once back in year 2 when Tori had said some particularly cruel stuff about her and Cas had found out. The most surprising part of the memory was the fact that Ally was dry eyed and refused the hug even though everyone who had witnessed it was disgusted at Tori for saying such a horrible thing and one girl in the class was crying just because of the words she had heard Tori use. Maybe Tori would have learnt how far too far was if Ally had just cried or reported her, maybe Tori wouldn't have kept up the bullying for so long. But Sam had to reply, he couldn't just sit there staring wide-eyed at her (even if that was what she'd just done to him).

"Hi. Uh... I um... I had to talk to stay behind for a detention-like thing."

Suddenly everything linked and Cas was immediately on full alert, her suspicions confirmed. He was avoiding eye-contact, preferring to look at the bus timetable rather than at her who reminded him so much of Ally.

"Your name doesn't happen to be Sam does it?" His attention snapped back to look at her, how did she know? It had been four years ago since he last saw her, surely she couldn't remember his name. Plus, he had looked like a chubby little twit in year two, he didn't put any effort into his appearance in those days, surely he didn't look like that any more. And he couldn't tell her his name wasn't Sam either because his reaction to hearing the name had already to revealed more than he was willing to.

It was at this moment that the bus came pottering around a bend and onto their road on sunken tires. "How do you know my name?" he asked, the bus was drawing near and he stood up expecting Cas to as well. Noticing the lack of her presence, he looked back, waiting for an answer. But the bus was slowing to a halt now and even if Cas had said anything, he wouldn't have been able to hear it over the sound of the brakes hissing as it stopped. Not wanting to make all the passengers wait for him he reluctantly stepped inside. Just as the doors closed, he glanced back again, Cas was grinning.


The weekend was pretty dull, passing without anything particularly memorable happening apart from Cas getting the giggles every five seconds because she just imagined her teacher's pet of a sister escaping school.

Ally was let off with a stern warning as her actions were extremely "out of character", according to her teacher - Miss Munnings. During her meeting with the Headteacher, Ally had tried to pin as little of the blame on Sam as possible while still using his cover story by saying that he was threatening her. She blamed her hormones for being the reason why she so quickly decided to run away and told them that he hadn't meant to hurt her so much.


Hi! Sorry that this chapter isn't longer but at least it's on time and I've uploaded it at a decent time.

Cas and Sam's meet up was kind of interesting don't you think although tbh nothing much happened in this chapter...

What would you reaction be if some teenage girl randomly started talking to you and knew your name while you were waiting at a bus stop?

Thanks so much for reading and voting xxx

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