Chapter Ten: If You love me...

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Ally was at the hair salon and swiped through her notifications looking for a text from Sam to say the colour of the corsage he was getting. Although a year six leaver's prom really wasn't a big deal, Cas had insisted to pay for Ally to get her hair and nails professionally done. Ally had opted for waterfall braids curled into ringlets at the end to add volume. Her dress was a royal blue ball gown which flowed down gracefully to the tip of her sequinned high heels that she struggled to balance in. Needless to say, this had all been a result of meticulous planning of Cas, if Ally had had her way, she'd be in pumps and a comfortable summer dress.


Ally's phone rang out with the sound of an incoming message from Sam saying that he would pick her up at six and to be ready.


The doorbell rang, startling Ally who had been waiting stiffly on the sofa for half an hour already. Presuming that Ally wouldn't be ready for Sam when he came to the door, Cas had made her prepare half an hour early so she had been sitting nervously in front of the TV, zoned out and flicking through pointless things on her phone for the extra time. Her knees bounced up and down and a scowl was fixed to her face and she worried about Sam's sincerity in the invitation to be his date. The time slowly ticked past 6:01 and as the doorbell rang, dismissing her doubts, a grin found its way onto her face.

Cas headed to the door with Eva in tow, although Cas had been in charge of getting Ally practically ready, Eva had taken the challenge of emotionally preparing Ally so that she was no longer the weeping mess she had been that morning. Although attending a prom with your date would normally be considered an excited event, the situation was going to be a little different for Ally. Attending prom with a boy she shouldn't be trusting and riding there in a limo shared with her lifetime bully was a little more scary, one might even say it made the prospect of attending prom very attractive. But she had agreed now and there was no going back. In fact, her date was standing just outside the front door, getting analysed by Ally's three sisters.

"He's not as handsome as you described him!" Nicole called, though she was only a year older than Sam and Ally.

This made Ally's face flush red and she rushed into the hall to scurry Sam away before they said anything more embarrassing. As Ally threw the door from the lounge room to the corridor open, probably leaving a mark on the wall where the door handle had hit, a loud crash echoed through the house.

The four teenagers turned to watch as she entered the room. Nicole and Eva hadn't seen the final product and gasped as they stared at Ally with proud smiles on their faces.

Ally turned her gaze to Sam who's hair was perfectly gelled up to the side and who's eyes fluttered a dark green as he watched her. He grinned and briefly ran his tongue over his lip as they locked eyes. His eyes raked her body quickly and she let out a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding as he finally brought his eyes back up to meet hers.

"Wow! You really didn't hold back from going with the slut look," Nicole laughed at Cas.

The silence was broken and her sisters laughed but Ally and Sam's eyes stayed locked on each other. Ally took a few steps forward and her sisters parted for her to reach Sam.

As Ally drew near to him, he held out his arm. Motioning for her to take it, she slipped her slender hand between his body and the smart blazer he was wearing, gently grasping his arm in a way that only people who were in love could. She felt the soft fabric and breathed in Sam's scent of cocoa as she waved to her sisters and he whisked her away.

Leading her to the glamorous vehicle, he whispered under his breath, "What a beauty," with a tone of awe.

It was their first exchange of words that night and Ally mumbled a quick thank you for hiring the limousine.

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