"Wilmer, this is my daughter Muse. Muse, this is my boyfriend, Wilmer," Demi introduced, her eyes catching sight of the twelve long stem red roses he had in one of his hands.

"Hi Muse, it's so nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you," he said, offering her six of the roses. Six for Muse, six for Demi.

Muse looked from Demi to Wilmer to the roses then back again. She twisted her lips and looked from the roses to Wilmer then back to Demi before opening her mouth.

"Can you call daddy to come get me please?"

Setting: Cristo's Loft, Los Angeles, CA

Demi: Introducing Muse to Wilmer didn't go that well

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Demi: Introducing Muse to Wilmer didn't go that well. She wanted to go to her dad's house so I had Cristo come and pick her up and she spent the rest of the week with him. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to Cristo about what happened or what Muse said about the whole thing, but he needs help decorating his new loft so now's my chance.

"So, this is your new place?"

"Well, it's my place for when I'm working in the city and I don't feel like driving all the way back to Calabasas," Cristo corrected her, moving one of the cardboard boxes out of the way so that they had a clear path to the open kitchen. Black marble countertops, dark wood floors, stainless steel, glass...yup, this was definitely Cristo's place.

"So, Clara sold your father's house then?"

Demi had actually helped him find the loft after Clara decided that she was going to sell the old Ghesquiere mansion and move into something smaller. Cristo had bought her a condo near the beach so that him and Muse could go and visit so she would never feel too lonely since she didn't want to go back to Paris.

"Yeah, everything is either in storage or got shipped to the house in Paris," Cristo trailed off. Demi decided to change the subject because she knew that his dad's death was still a very sensitive topic for him.

"So, what happened the other day when you picked Muse up? Did she say anything to you?" Demi asked, sitting at one of the stools in front of the counter as Cristo rummaged through the refrigerator.

"I asked her why she wanted to come over and she said it was because you were having dinner with your boyfriend. I don't think she's upset that you have a boyfriend; I think she's terrible at dealing with change," Cristo explained, grabbing a bottle of Voss water out of the refrigerator to give to Demi.

"Which makes me a terrible parent," Demi concluded as Cristo rolled his eyes a little bit.

"No it doesn't."

"Do you think it has something to do with us not being together?"

"No, Demi, I think you're missing my whole point. You've never introduced Muse to someone that you're dating. Muse doesn't really remember us together as a couple that much to a point where it would bother her that either of us is dating someone else. I think the disconnect comes from the fact that for as far back as she can remember, she hasn't had to compete with someone else for your attention. There hasn't been someone else in the picture. It's just been you and her. Of course, that's not the case, but that's how she remembers things. That's what she's used to. So, I just think she has to get comfortable with the fact that you have someone else in your life but that doesn't take away from your relationship with her," Cristo explained as Demi pressed her lips together.

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