"Mm~" Kayano nodded. At that moment, relief was slowly filling up inside her.

After awhile, Nagisa gently broke away from their hug, but remained his hands on her shoulders, looking at her straight at the eye.

"There there, it's okay. If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to force yourself anymore." He said this with a sentimental smile.

Kayano stared at his caring deep blue eyes and heard his response while still wearing an exhausted facial expression.

She slightly shakes her head to retort to Nagisa's proposal.

"No. I have to tell you about it. I need to."

After seeing her becoming persistent, Nagisa was unable to stop her from what she was about to do and starts to listen.

"10 months ago, the previous agency I was working with disbanded all of a sudden. They decided to end their work without me knowing about it. As a result, I became jobless at that time." Kayano started to explain.

"But eventually, I learned why the agency closed down at that day. I learned that they were running out of finances, but they couldn't keep going to make more because several agencies were accusing us that some of our scripts were copied from another and charged the us with plagiarism. And so, in order for all of the members to be proven innocent, the director and the assistant director both negotiated with those agencies, and they made a condition that our agency will close down and end up disbanded in exchange for our innocence." Kayano said.

Nagisa listened to her backstory regarding of her work and tries to assume the point of her explanation. Meanwhile, this was still not the end as Kayano kept on explaining.

"I was struggling at first due to being jobless, so I tried joining other agencies, but it appears that my money wasn't enough for a registration. So I went to take part-time jobs for awhile."

"Then, after a year had passed, one day, I was scouted by a performer and asked me to join on their little film. I was very happy that I instantly agreed and became an actor once again. But, the film wasn't able to make it to productions due to having less money than my previous one, so I was still having financial problems." She paused to take a brief breath.

"That was where Klein appeared and helped me with it. He also joined our film-making and started becoming an actor, just like me. But one day, he suddenly confessed his feelings to me and gave me a ring. He said that if I marry him, I won't have to worry becoming jobless again. I was desperate to keep my job at that time, so I took his offer without a second thought. But after spending a month as his fiancé, I realized that this marriage was not I desired. I only wanted to continue pursuing my dream, to be an actor at the end of the day. And that was where I remembered you, so I was searching and searching and searching until, I finally found you." Kayano started to smile at her last statement and looks at Nagisa with a heartwarming smile.

"Why were you looking for me?" Nagisa asked. Although, this made Kayano a little bit disappointed, but she explained it to him anyway.

"I missed you, of course. And, isn't that obvious? I came to look for you because I wanted to spend more time with you that eventually, I'll forget about the marriage. But he was still serious about it, so I didn't have a choice but to reveal it you." Kayano expressed this with separate emotions. She was a little angry at first, then becomes slightly cheerful, gets moody the next time, and lastly with a scared expression.

Nagisa heard her story and finally understood her point.

He felt hurt on the inside, but he still had that little strength to camouflage it with his usual expressions.

He thought to himself that he was too late. But then again, he couldn't do anything about everything and accepts how things are to be.

"So in the end, you're really going to get married?" Nagisa asked with a pained expression, but was clearly hiding it from Kayano.


Nagisa's question and Kayano's answer changed the atmosphere drastically, and they were both back to being gloomy and awkward. But after thinking things through, Nagisa felt the need to say something.

"I understand. Although, it's kinda unfair."

Kayano was hit at the mark and instantly reacts with a terrified expression. She looks away from him and hides her face again.

"I-I know. And I'm sorry about it. I really am." She apologized.

But, all of a sudden, Nagisa felt something inside of him. He realized that his painful feeling was stronger than what he expected. It was like a driving force that suddenly took control of his mind and his thought processing was altered.

It was as if blood lust had possessed him.

"Let's pretend that all of this never happened." He looks at his front and holds the steering wheel, gripping with a tight force on it.

Kayano was again caught by surprise and was starting to become worried about him.

But to avoid the developing situation, Nagisa points out that it was becoming dark and that they were getting late for the meeting. Without saying another word, Nagisa revs the car back and drives the of them to the stadium where their former classmates are waiting.

However, while he drove, he was going much faster than before and keeps on focusing on the road.

Back at Kayano, she never looked away and remained to stare at him. She was becoming scared as soon as she realized that Nagisa was behaving upset because of the secret she told him.

At first, she thought that he'll understand despite of the acts he'd done so far. But it appears she was wrong.

Nagisa drove the black sports car while his feelings became conflicted. Though unfortunately in the end, the side that holds the dark side of his feelings won, and he ended up feeling pretty bad.

All that's left on his mind now was damned, and his feelings for Kayano was scarce to win over it.


End of Chapter 36.5

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