17: Keepers

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        The lights that hung above the dance floor began to grow brighter the darker it got outside. My drunken gaze focused on them while people splashed in the pool beside me. Obviously my bad mood was showing because everyone was completely avoiding me at all costs, even moving aside when I went to get more beer. Apparently everyone was in love with Taffy because the lucky dog was getting food scraps and free belly rubs left and right.

        Two hours have passed since I left Shane and his little toy poodle. The asshole has yet to even find me and apologize to me. The two of them were still in the house and the possibility of them doing things that him and I had done made my stomach flip flop with unease.

        "Terra you look like you need to have a little fun," my eyes flickered up to Jaimie who had taken a seat on the chair that rested beside mine. He smiled apologetically at me.

        Sighing, I pressed the beer bottle I had in my hands to my lips and took a quick drink before replying. "I'm seriously pissed that he has a fucking girlfriend and yet he wants to string me along."

        "I know and I can only fathom what you're going through. Mates have a connection that causes them to be easily subdued to emotions such as sorrow and pain. The bad thing is that Shane's an Alpha which means that the emotions are ten times stronger for both of you." The grip I had on the bottle tightened as I broke eye contact with him and focused on the pool. "Shane has been trying to break up with her for the past hour-"

        "-it's been two hours"

        "-and she just won't listen to him," Jaimie stated, clearly avoiding my comment. I took a moment to check him out.

        Hey, if Shane was too busy hanging around a horny poodle then I have every right to be able to check someone else out.

        Despite the cool weather that swirled around us in crisp, brisk gusts of wind, Jaimie was wearing a white v-neck that hugged his biceps wonderfully. His hair was tousled as though he had just gotten out of bed and he had ditched pants in exchange for swimming trunks.

        "Done checking me out?" With an eyebrow raised at me, Jaimie flashed me a cocky grin before snatching my empty beer bottle from my hands and replacing it with another one. "Let's see..." His voice trailed off as his eyes began scanning the area before settling on the pool. Turning his attention back to me, an evil grin began to slowly make its way onto his face.

        "Oh no you don't. I can barely walk let alone swim." I declared firmly, crossing my arms across my chest.

        "What was that? You're dying to jump in the pool? Well being the giving person that I am, I shall grant your wish, princess." My head snapped in his direction but before I could protest strong arms wrapped around my legs and waist, pulling me up off of my chair.

        "No!" I cried clinging to him as he stalked towards the deep end of the pool. People cast worried expressions at me. Involuntarily my arms squeezed around his neck tighter the closer we got to the edge. "Please don't put me in the water, Jaimie." I pleaded.

        "What? Please put you in the water? Okay." He chimed.

        "What?! No-" Before I could finish my protests, I felt my body float momentarily in air before plummeting straight into the deep end. Water rushed in to invade my vision and I could feel the chlorine begin to sting my eyes so I shut them.

        You could say that I was immediately sobered up.

        Instead of drowning like I thought I was going to, I felt myself breathing in air just as fast as I had been in the water. Looking up I saw that Jaimie was still holding me and he was flashing me a devious grin that made my face heat slightly.

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