15: Numb

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        My legs immediately gave out as another pain blossomed across my right calf. Warmth began to trickle down my legs and I looked down in horror. Bits of flesh were hanging from the wounds on my legs along with blood pouring out. 

        As I began screaming in pain, I completely ignored the loud growl of triumph from the wolf in front of me. What caused me to pull my attention away from my wounds was Shane's roar of fury. Looking back, I watched in shock as his bones began to twist at painful angles and hair began to sprout in random places.

        A black wolf soon stood in the pile of Shane's clothes regarding the other wolf in front of me with icy blue eyes full of anguish. My mouth grew dry, but before I could utter a word my wounds began to remind me that they were still there. The wolf that Shane had changed into was the exact same one that had harassed me in my car one night after work.

        This isn't a fucking dream, I thought sourly as I slipped off my hoodie and began applying pressure to the wounds. The amount of blood that was pooling around my body was sickening. My body swayed slightly at the sight of it, but I managed to stay upright. Cold nipped at my bare arms and legs making my teeth chatter loudly.

        The rogue in front of me made a move to go towards me again, but before it could the black wolf, Shane, barreled into it. The rogue's form blurred in front of me until it thumped against a tree. Shane was on top of him in a second. Without a moments hesitation the black wolf's muzzle seized the rogue's neck in its mouth. The grey wolf was struggling beneath it, but Shane's eyes gazed down at its writhing with satisfaction.

        Before my mind began to figure out what he was about to do, I watched helplessly as he tore out the rogue's jugular, throwing the flesh that tore off onto the ground with distaste in his eyes.

        "Oh god," I whispered, placing a hand over my mouth. As if remembering I was there, Shane's large head snapped in my directly while I gaped in horror at the lifeless form beneath him. Instead of the icy blue eyes that had been once lurking there, they were now completely black. The rogue's lifeless body beneath him gave one last pitiful twitch before settling completely still on the ground.

        "Shane?" Placing my hands behind me, I pushed myself up. Fire shot up my legs from my wounds, but I ground my teeth together to keep from shouting out. Shane began to stalk towards me slowly. Any humane look that had lingered in his eyes were completely gone and he was gazing at me like a predator.

        Just fucking perfect. I thought sarcastically. Without giving me a moment to dodge out of the way, Shane's body lunged towards me with his paws outstretched. When his paws hit me, my body began to fall towards the ground with a sickening thump of a bone tearing out of place. My shoulder burned in protest, but Shane's paws only pressed down on them to keep me down.

        His large muzzle with glinting canines began to dive towards me causing panic to boil in my chest. As his teeth bore into my neck opposite of the mark he had given me, I did the only logical thing I could think.

        I threw my arms around him and held onto him as tight as I could.

        In response his teeth closed tighter onto my neck and I whimpered quietly in pain. Shane's bite wasn't easing up, plus I could feel warm blood begin to ooze down my chest. In all honesty, I was getting a little peeved. What kind of guy has that bad of anger issues? I get it that he's an alpha and all but show some self restraint.

        "Shane, get your fucking chompers out of my neck!" I shouted, but he didn't release me. The mark on the other side tingled at how close we were together, but I ignored it. Raising my head the best I could with him making a meal out of my neck, I opened my mouth and bit his ear as hard as I could.

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