14: The Grass Isn't Always Green

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        "If you do not move, I'm going to kick you in the balls."

        Shane's smirk deepened as he crossed his arms across his chest, towering over me in the doorway, "oh really?" he mocked, with an arched eyebrow.

        I grit my teeth in irritation, then an idea popped into my head. Lifting a hand, I began to trail a finger down his bare chest while pouting my lips at him.

        You're probably confused as hell. Well, when I woke up the next morning I felt as though someone was pressing on my chest in an attempt at murdering me. Instead of finding someone's body hovering above mine as they strangled me, I opened my eyes to find a muscle arm draped across my chest. Following the arm to where its host laid, my eyes landed on Shane's sleeping face. Light, warm breaths fanned across my face while his naked chest moved up and down rhythmically.

        Completely like something out of a movie.

        My first option was to just lay here and wait for him to wake up. Number two was to rudely wake him up, but even I wasn't that cruel. So I went with option number three.

        Hump and dump.

        We didn't do anything, so get your mind out of the gutter. Around 4 in the morning the bed had dipped beside me, but in my delirious state I passed it off as my mind trying to mess with me. I was completely wrong. When I awoke around 10, the realization that I had to go to class tomorrow was like someone pouring ice cold water on me.

        Stealthily, I slipped his heavy arm off of me and rolled off of the mattress, grimacing at the quiet squeak of the springs that sounded throughout the room. Much to my relief my clothes that I had gone to bed with were still attached to my body. My shoes were sitting beside the door that led to the bathroom which befuddled me because I did not remember leaving them there last night.

        Once my shoes were safely on my feet, I turned to make my escape when I saw Shane sitting up in the bed grinning at me. Dread immediately filled me and slowly I began to back towards the exit while managing a small smile. Before I could bolt, two strong arms wrapped around my waist and swung me backwards. I watched as Shane stalked towards the doorway and stopped there with his signature smirk.

        And that ladies and gentleman, is why I'm in this predicament.

        As my finger made patterns along his chest, I heard his breath hitch. Looking up, I met his lust-filled gaze with my much calmer one. Leaning up on my tiptoes, I brushed my lips against his while maintaining eye contact with him. My body began to slowly move around his, but he kept his gaze focused on my lips while they lightly touched his.

        "Gullible," I whispered with a smile, before shoving him forward into the room, and racing down the hallway towards the stairs. I could heard Shane swearing like a sailor behind me in the room that I had left him in. The stairs blurred beneath me as my speed picked up going down them.

        Once the front door came into view, I skidded to a halt when I heard Shane shout at me from where he stood on the second story before the stairs. With my hand resting against the door knob I turned around, looking at him as he glared down at me.

        "You don't want to leave, Terra," he stated calmly.

        "Don't I?" I began to twist the knob, when an uneasy silence settled around me. Shane spoke up before I could.

        "Since you like running so much," his voice grew low, but I could still hear him, "then I suggest you sprint as fast as you can little Terra because I'm coming." Not waiting for the green light, I made like a tree and got the hell out of there.

        Instead of taking the boring, asphalt path I turned on my heel and began racing towards the trees the lurked around the house. I could hear Taffy's excited barks behind me but the further I got the quieter they sounded.

        I'll be back Taffy, I thought guiltily. My lungs burned along with my limbs that screamed in protest at my sudden decision to train for a marathon.

        The trees began to grow thicker the more I ran through the woods. Instead of the light that had once filtered the thinning trees, the light was now cut out almost completely from the branches that loomed above me. Only a dim light surrounded me, but it was enough that I could still see where I was going. The sky being cloudy did not help anything either.

        Just my luck, I thought sarcastically as I felt my pace begin to slow. I couldn't hear any thing around me except the faint noise of wind rustling through the treetops. 

        I was fucking terrified. The fact that I was literally destined to be with something that I had only heard about during Halloween or when a hit movie featuring it came out, scared the crap out of me. But the more I thought about it, the more everything seemed to fall into place.

        The way Shane seemed so possessive of me, and wouldn't leave me alone when we first ran into each other. Yes, the semi-stalking was creepy at the moment, but now that he explained everything to me it somewhat made sense.

        "Holy shit, I sound so fucking whipped," I muttered in disbelief. Shane and I had swapped spit like two times and I was ready to believe the guy. Something in my gut told me that he wasn't lying, but the logical side of me said that he was probably a crazed, stalker that just wanted to sell me to the black market as a sex slave, or something kinky like that. After all, why else would he be so adamant on pursing me?

        I was an ordinary girl. Nothing about me screamed, 'hottie' or 'she's a keeper.' Not to sound like a complete, pathetic loser, but Shane was out of my league. There was plenty other fish in the sea for him to hook in. Hey, they might even be into the whole dominance act.

        Even though he said that we were meant to be together by fate, I couldn't help but feel like this was all some sort of ruse that him and some buddies made up that night at the movie theaters.

        My thoughts came to a sudden halt, when a twig snapped somewhere in front of me. With heavy feet, I came to a stop as fear began to prickle across my skin. The only sound I could hear was my heart beat that was thudding furiously in my rib cage.

        A growl sounded causing my blood to run cold. Looking up from the sodden, brown ground my eyes met a pair of dark brown orbs glaring back into mine.

        "Good doggie?" I began pathetically. The wolf growled, its canines glinting against its grey fur as it crouched down. For some reason, the wolf seemed anything but animalistic like they are made out to be. Its eyes were calculating and assessing me.

        It seemed human and that thought caused me to back up. Footsteps behind me caused my body to jerk at the new comer, but I kept my gaze focused on the pissed off animal in front of me.

        Shane's voice rang out clearly over the wolf's growls, "Terra, what ever you do, do not turn around." Instead of the normal light, playful voice that he sported, his voice was dark and guarded.

        "Most people turn around when somebody says that," I joked.

        "Are you seriously trying to crack a joke right now with a fucking rogue in front of you?"

        As if on cue the wolf's gaze left mine, focusing on Shane behind me. It looks as though it was communicating with him with its brown eyes. I stood there awkwardly, feeling the cold starting to get to me. Now I was beginning to think it wasn't a good idea to run out of the Shane's house wearing nothing but a hoodie and shorts, but I was high on adrenaline at the time.

        "Terra, move!"  Shane's sudden shouting jerked me out of mid-thought. My eyebrows knit together in confusion and I began turning towards him, but before I could even move my feet, a burst of pain exploded in on my left thigh.

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