2: Clingy much?

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        His words were soft and he sounded so relieved that it was almost as though he had had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Looking up, I stared back into a bright, blue pair of eyes feeling like I could get lost in them.

        "Mate. You're mine." The possessive tone of his voice caused me to rip my softened gaze from his and turn it into a heated glare. I shoved a hand against his chest causing him to lean away in surprise.

        I got to my feet, smacking his hand that had reached out to help me up. With my bag slung over my shoulder, I turned towards him.

        "Most people apologize, asshead." My teeth gritted together and I squared my shoulders, lifting my chin a little higher despite the fact that his figure dwarfed mine. Hey, I had to maintain some ounce of dignity. "Also, don't go around running into girls and then calling them your mate. That's pretty kinky."

        I smirked once I saw his jaw clench with anger. The noise around us was still at its loud volume, but the group of friends that accompanied this guy had fallen silent and were staring at us in curiosity and amusement. Outside of the theater, the sun was slowly dying away giving the few clouds that rested in the sky an array of oranges and pinks.

        "Now if you'll excuse me..." I began to rummage through my bag in search of my keys when a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me. "Are you trying to get kicked where the sun doesn't shine, pervert?" I asked with narrowed eyes. The guy dropped his hold on my hand, rubbing the back of his neck.

        "You can't just leave." Instead of the nice guy act that he had been portraying earlier, he now had put authority behind his tone.

        My eyebrow rose at his tone, "Watch me."

        Without another word, I turned away and began to walk back towards the door leaving him gaping in shock behind me. The door slammed shut behind me and I immediately felt the tension removed from me, but what I could still feel was his eyes on my retreating figure. A cool breeze blew in my face and I instinctively pulled my hood on my head.

         Most people wore some of their best outfits to the  movies, but not me. Nope. When Ruby had asked me to go to the movies with her I had been all up for it until I found out that I was going to be the infamous third wheel. Being my stubborn self, I decided to wear my lazy day outfit which consisted of a black hoodie, dark blue skinny jeans, and my brown slipper boots. My clothes technically went with the weather which was winter.

        "What a slob." A girl muttered to her friend as they judged my outfit. Ironically, the two of them were huddled together in an attempt to protect themselves from the cold winter weather while wearing shorts that could be mistaken as underwear and t-shirts.

        I looked at them with pity and then snorted in laughter once they turned away muttering to each other. A car zoomed in front of me before I could cross the road and go into the parking. A string of curse words flew out of my mouth as I glared down their car.

        "Stupid idiots." Mumbling to myself, I began walking through the parking lot towards the back where my car sat.

        The dull black, rusted '67 mustang greeted me from its resting place in the deserted part of the parking lot. The only people that parked this far out here were the ones that owned extremely expensive and fancy cars. Even though my car wasn't brand new nor restored to its former glory, I still loved the thing like it was my first born.

        A familiar scent of roses greeted me once I was inside the car. Despite outside looking as though it had taken a bath in rust, the interior was very nice. During my senior year in high school, I had saved enough money to attend CSU Stanislaus and I had enough money to put some of it into my car. Instead of paying attention to the outside, I had paid for the seats to be redone along with the stereo system in it.

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