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"Luna! Wake up!" What began as soft shakes turned in violent ones and I felt the warm blankets that surrounded my body being torn away from me.

Begrudgingly I opened my eyes so find myself staring up at an over excited Ruby. Before talking to her, my eyes scanned the room looking for something that was out of place.

"What?" Muttering to her, I turned back into my side and attempted to pull the blankets from her iron-like grip.

"Get your lazy ass up! I can't believe you, of all people, are attempting to sleep in on your wedding day..." Her words trailed off as soon as the word wedding came out of her mouth. As the words processed in my mind, I found my eyes widening in realization.

"Oh my god! I'm getting married today!" Shrieking, I shot up from the bed and began to rush around the room, looking for my essential items. Typically, werewolf weddings weren't that big nor special but when it came to an alpha and a Luna getting hitched then it was a whole new scenario.

"What time is it? Are the caterers here yet? How much time do I have to get ready?" Turning on my heel in mid-stride, I clasped hands with Ruby as a sign of turmoil.

"Chill. You have two hours until the ceremony and the caterers are here as well as the guests," spoken rather calmly, Ruby's eyes glanced into freaking out ones and she began laughing. "You look hilarious right now! Next time don't sleep in!"

"There won't be a next time!" I cried as I rushed into the bathroom.


After the three hours it took to get ready, thus putting the wedding behind, I finally found myself walking down the long aisle that I had dreamt about as a child. My eyes met Shane's and in his own, I saw nothing but happiness as well as watery eyes.

Everything felt like a dream. The way the piano was filtering out soft, quiet music, the wonder and joy filled in everyone's eyes, and the perfect sunset that surrounded it all.

Finally reaching the altar, I gazed into Shane's eyes as we clasped hands.

He was an alpha and I am just a regular human. Not technically, considering that we're husband and wife, but that's all it will seem like to others that are left in the dark. Behind closed doors, we stand together as soul mates while we command an entire pack.

Now that's a true power couple.

"I do." Shane's answer brought me out of my thoughts and I found myself smiling hugely.

"And do you take this man to be your husband?" The priest looked upon me with a smile that caused his features to wrinkle with his age.

"I do." I choked out, while fighting back tears.

"Then I now pronounce you and husband and wife; Alpha and Luna." He stepped back as Shane engulfed me in a hug. Using one of his hands, he tilted my chin up and met my lips with his.

Everything was finally perfect.

A/N: Thank you to everyone that's been patient with me! I owe it to you guys.
I wrote this on my phone so please excuse any mistakes!
Let me know if you guys want to see another werewolf story or what!
Thank you again!

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