16: Meetings

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        "Remind me again why I have to do this," I stated blatantly. Shane turned towards me with his eyebrows raised in surprise.

        "Well I thought-"


        "-that since you are so open to me being a werewolf that you would be up to meeting some of the pack." His tone was laced with amusement while I glared up at him. We were currently in his bedroom, him standing and me relaxing on the bed with my injuries, waiting for his little 'get together' to begin. Of course it had already started and music was thumping loudly from the backyard along with a large crowd of people mingling with each other. Shane had insisted that we wait a little longer before we made our way downstairs to the awaiting people so that we commanded all the attention.

        Attention whore. I thought bitterly. 

        Shuffling across the room until he stood before me, Shane rested his hands on either side of me. "I can hear your thoughts you know. The mark I gave you allows me to do that. You aren't strong enough mentally to link mine." A smirk slowly spread it's way across his features. His head began to slowly move towards mine in anticipation of kiss, but I was too irritated to give him what he wanted; Alpha or not. So instead I went with the first option that popped into my mind.

        I headbutted him.

        A series of curses flew out of his mouth in response. Moments like these make me smile at my rather violent instincts. Shane had fallen a few steps backwards, clutching his head in agony. While I glowered at him in triumph, a soft knock on the door caused Shane to stand up straight.

        "Come in." The door knob twisted and in stepped an familiar face.

        Have you ever had one of those moments where you are so shocked that your mouth opens and closes repeatedly? This was one of those precise moments.

        Finally managing to formulate some kind of phrase, I stared at the guy in disbelief, "Jaimie?"

        In response he grinned sheepishly at me before turning to Shane. "The three men you sent out to do the patrol reported no signs of any rogues. But we did find a dead-"

        "I don't want anybody to talk about this stuff in front of her." Shane's head bobbed towards me in indication. I threw my hands up in frustration.

        "Oh, I'm sorry," Jaimie's hazel eyes flashed a dark color, "that reminds me. Sasha is here and she's wanting to see you-"

        "-slut," I coughed out.

        "-for your, um, past and current relationship issues." Oh shit I was right.

        "Wait, you're still dating someone?" I interrupted, glaring at Shane. The room settled with a heavy atmosphere as I felt my anger slowly began to ascend. In response his arm lifted and he ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

        "I planned on breaking up with her sooner, but things, like you, happened." Instead of the regretful tone that I expected a normal person to have, Shane's tone became harsh and abrupt. My eyebrows rose in surprise, but instead of snapping at him I sent him a sickly sweet smile. 

        "That's good to hear, Shaney boo." The tone in his voice told me that even though we just recently became an item and 'mates', he still had some feelings towards this Sasha chick. If he wanted to play this 'I have a girlfriend and quite possibly a second one' game then, its on.

        Grabbing my crutches that rested beside the bed, I stood up as quickly as I could. Shane watched me with surprise at my sudden happiness and confusion at my comment.

        Moving past the two testosterone filled men, I began quietly humming, 'let it burn, burn, burnnn.'


        "Oh you must be the lovely Sasha that Shane spoke so dearly of!" I exclaimed quite loudly at the girl that stood in front of me. There was no doubt that this girl was gorgeous. She stood at a proud height of around 5'11", supported a deep tan, had two bright blue colored eyes, and her smile was pearly white.

        In short she was perfect.

        If I thought Shane was out of my league before, this only confirmed it. Of course it was stupid of me to think he chased girls like me that were the ones who typically sat in the library during the high school years instead of skipping around in cheerleader uniforms.

        Sasha glanced at me shortly with a clear look of disgust on her features before turning her attention to Shane who had moved from standing beside me to stand next to her. "Shane, why did Jaimie tell me to come here tonight?"

        A variety of emotions flickered behind Shane's eyes before finally settling with a pure look of lust. Not love; lust.

        "You two are fuck buddies!" I smacked my left hand that had balled into a fist onto my open palmed right hand in realization. The sinking feeling that had settled in my stomach had me wanting to break down into tears at seeing my mate looking that way at another person. Of course I was not about to show that. Like I said; if he wants to play this game then two can play.

        Shane's eyes flashed towards mine as a sign to not say anything, but I only smiled cheekily at him. "Well talk about a plot twist! Damn Shane you really are a player," I paused to send him a seething glare, before turning to Sasha who was staring at me as though I had grown two heads. "Sasha dear, you two must be wanting some alone time right now. After all, Shane has been with me this entire time so you must feel as though you've been cheated on. No need to worry, we only made out a couple of times. Obviously I am nothing compared to you."

        "Damn right you aren't slut. He was probably drunk when he did that. No offense but he would never go after someone like you." Sasha bit back at me. I took a moment to glance at Shane and was surprised to see regret flashing in his eyes instead of the lust that I had seen previously. After Sasha finished talking I saw his body grow rigid with the insult.

        Everybody at the party was enjoying themselves, but since the three of us had started talking it seemed like all of their eyes were on us. The party turned out to be more of like a wild, college party. When I went down stairs nobody welcomed me because they didn't know that I was their Luna. I had sufficiently covered up Shane's mark by throwing over a hoodie.

        Honestly I was surprised that nobody knew except him and Jaimie. Sure I was hurt that Shane still had feelings for this girl, but the way he had been regarding me up until now I thought that I was the one that he was completely in love with.

        Apparently not.

        "Now I'm going to leave you two love birds alone and go get wasted!" I threw my arms into the air and skipped away from them towards the doors that led into the backyard.

        Needless to say, I was pissed. If that asshole thought he was going to get away with this he had another thing coming.

        Kill 'em with kindness, I thought bitterly as my hand gripped around a beer before pulling it out of an ice chest. 

A/N: I'm sorry I need some sort of plot twist here haha. Okay so if you don't get it because it might be confusing I'll explain it.

Basically Shane has had a girlfriend this entire time but has not been seeing her due to the fact that he's been with Terra. Terra never knew until know and her theory is to kill them with kindness.

If you like this chapter then you're going to LOVE the next one which will be added tomorrow! It's going to be action packed (consisting of Terra hitting someone with her crutch), hot, and jealously at its finest.

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