11: Bitter End

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        I couldn't stay in the house. Instead of taking my car, I found myself throwing my overnight bag into the backseat of Shane's truck and climbing into it. The scent of him that lingered in his truck calmed my nerves and I had even put on his hoodie. As I silently slipped through the house before getting in the truck, I had listened to my mother arguing with the guy about how she wanted to be with him and that he was the only one for her.

        The keys slipped into the ignition easily despite my shaking hands and I prayed that my mother would ignore the loud vehicle. Once I was pulled out of the garage and backing into the street, I saw the front door swing open wildly and my mother stand under the porch light. From where she stood, I could see the betrayal and hurt in her eyes as she watched me put the truck into drive and drive away.

        Once I made it towards the edge of town, I felt myself pressing my foot further into the gas pedal. The only thing that I felt lingering in my heart was hurt. As I continued driving in the silent night without a specific destination, my mind began to remember the day that forever changed my life.


        Two Years Ago: Beginning Of Senior Year

        "Good morning, dad!" I called out cheekily as I planted a sloppy kiss onto his cheek. Smiling up at me, he pulled me into a hug and held on longer than he had before. "Dad?" I said nervously, he just shook his head and kept his hold on me.

        If I had known that that was going to be my last hug with him, then I would've held on for dear life like he had been.

        "Alright dad, it's getting uncomfortable." Laughing, I shrugged out of his hold and patted him on the back reassuringly. "Everything okay?" I asked cautiously as I gazed at him. He looked tired than he normally did due to working late at work. His boss had offered him a promotion if he finished his current project in time.

        "Just peachy," he replied forcing a smile, "Terra, you know I love you, right?" I nodded meekly, confused at his sudden change of mood. "Good. Now get going to school before you're late."

        After bidding him goodbye, I left the house feeling a weight settle on my shoulders.

        Once I had finished school, I decided to go shopping with Ruby for a little at mall. We bought many things ranging from sweets to clothing to celebrate the last year of high school. With our bags placed by our sides, we munched quietly on a piece of pizza in the food court. I opened my bag to place my wallet in there when a folded up piece of paper caught my eye. My hand dove in and retrieved it. I quickly unfolded it and read the letter that made my heart falter.


        Work has been pretty hectic lately, you know? Sometimes I feel like I just can't go on anymore. The only reason I go on is for you and your mother. The more I work, the more I see that everything I'm doing is still leading me nowhere. The other day I made a really bad mistake; I got caught up in an illegal activity. I thought that what the guy gave me would help me work through this, but it didn't. Instead, I found out that I had been tricked and manipulated. Honey, I may not be home one of these days when you come home from school.

        Don't worry because no matter what happens there will always be someone there for you.

        It makes me tear up to think about how strong and beautiful you've grown. You're going to make a man happy someday.

        Just remember Terra, that in this life there is someone out there that is destined to be with us. They may not be who you expect, but the greatest things come from the unexpected. You're going to fall in love one day, maybe get your heart broken, but that's how it goes. Life continues to move on.

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