6: Just My Luck

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        We stood there embracing each other for what seemed like forever until I decided to pull away. The warmth that had engulfed me when their arms were around me sudden drew away from me. Without another word, we both moved towards the door not giving Dawn a second glance.

        Once we were out in the lighted hallway, I turned towards my savior with a grateful smile on my face, "Thank you for helping me. I can't even fathom what could've happened." My eyes focused on the guy that finally turned towards me and my jaw practically hit the floor.

        "You're welcome." The all-too familiar pair of bright blue eyes settled on mine and I found myself grimacing in response. "What? Now that you know it's me that helped you, you give me the cold shoulder?" Joking, he raised his hands in surrender.

        Okay, I'd be lying if I said this guy wasn't hot. Hot was an understatement. Brown shaggy hair fell just above his eyebrows with a pair of bright, blue eyes that seemed to look through one's entire being. Instead of a lanky figure, I could the muscles on his arms bulge out slightly as he crossed his arms across his chest. The guy looked like he exercised daily and I had no doubt that he probably had an epic six pack.

        "Are you finished eye raping me?" He asked with a smirk on his face. For some odd reason that I couldn't fathom to know, I felt drawn to him.

        "Don't flatter yourself, pervert. Oh by the way, did you happen to lose a pair of keys?" I grinned devilishly at the anger that crossed his face. His jaw clenched and I couldn't help but notice how hot that was.

        He began to walk towards me, but I quickly took a step back, "You're lucky I had a spare with me. But I'd really appreciate it if you would please return the original keys to me."

        "And I'd really appreciate it if you would quit stalking me," I said with a hint of amusement to my voice. "I have no idea what I did to attract your attention, but frankly you're beginning to weird me out."

        "You are a really stubborn girl, you know that?" Hastily, he ran a hand through his hair before glaring down at me. An idea popped in my head causing me to smirk.

        "Hey, did you happen to drive here?" I asked innocently. His eyebrows knit together in confusion.

        "Yeah?" Eyeing me suspiciously, I felt my grin widen in response. My bag was still on my shoulder and I mentally thanked myself for keeping his keys in it.

        Turning on my heel, I felt him following a few steps behind me but I still called out to him over my shoulder, "It'd be a shame if that lovely truck of yours disappeared." Without waiting for a reply, I raced down the stairs. My heart beat picked up speed once I heard his footsteps stumbling to catch up to me. I shoved past random people and made my way onto the dance floor in an attempt to lose him.

        Once I was sure that I had successfully lost him, I ran over to the front door and threw it open looking for the familiar black truck. To my luck it was parked in front of house that was three doors away from the party house.

        Rushing towards the truck, I yanked out the keys that were in my bag and clicked the unlock button, grimacing at the loud, perky honk that sounded. I threw open the door and climbed in, shutting the door and locking the doors behind me.

        A loud slam against the window caused me to jump in surprise just as I was reaching to start the truck. My calm gaze met a beyond pissed stare from my lovely stalker.

        "You don't want to do this."

        "Why don't you just unlock the door?"

        "I left the spare inside the truck." I burst out laughing at his reply. Even though I could feel the anger practically radiating off of him, I continued laughing at his face.

        "Not only are you a pervert, but you're also a fucking idiot!" Clenching my stomach, I swiftly turned on the truck. I turned to look at him as I put the truck into to drive, "Might want to move before I run your ass over." He stepped away from his vehicle reluctantly. I stuck my tongue out in victory before pouncing on the gas.


        "YOU STOLE HIS TRUCK?!" Ruby's voice shrieked into the phone. I could hear the party still going on around her, but it was slightly muffled which meant that she was either outside or in a room. "Where did you even go?"

        Glancing outside, I grinned in satisfaction at the mud covered window, "Let's just say that I decided to have a little fun." Rolling down the window, I glanced around the muddy field that I was now sitting in the middle of. Thanks to the constant rain that had decided to cease its downpour, the truck's black paint was now completely covered in mud.

        "Oh my gosh, Terra. You're so-" Her voice abruptly cut off and I frowned at the phone.

        "Are you enjoying my truck, Terra?" The anger in his voice caused me to bite my lip, "I hope you are because I don't think I'll be able to stay away from you knowing that you have something of mine."

        "How about we make a deal?" I asked lightly. Even though I was attracted to this guy, I was really getting tired of the relentless stalking.

        There was silence on the other end until he decided to speak up, "I think I'm good. Now I have even more of a reason to pursue you."

        "Obviously your idea and my idea of pursue is completely different. I don't understand why you just won't leave me alone!" Shouting, I threw my free hand into the air in anger.

        "That's an easy one, Terra. It's because you're mine." Shivers ran down my spine at the possessive tone in his voice. He chuckled darkly, "You'll know soon enough." Before I could respond he cut the line abruptly.


Short chapter, but the next one is going to be longer (word wise), but still. Please be patient with me and thank you for reading!(:

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