Ark: Chapter Two

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I sat on top of the Rex patiently, not sure where we were going to go but I was determined to get there before the dress on me became useless, I didn't want these people to see me naked again. I looked toward the muscular man as he walked to his large bird and climbed onto the Argy Saddle strapped to his tamed Argentavis swiftly, his muscles moved around as he pulled himself up and took his seat. I could feel his eyes on me as I quickly averted mine to the beast below me, I was high off the ground and I knew I'd actually hurt myself if I had to jump off it. 

It was surreal at the moment, it's rough skin seemed to be sparkling from the bright bulb above and I was completely amazed by the sight of this beast. I bit my lip nervously before glancing at the people gathering around us, they stayed clear of the path between the man and I, I wasn't sure why they hated him and I knew asking right now wasn't a good choice so I would have to wait until later.

I watched as a large Behemoth Reinforced Dinosaur Gate opened while being held up by a Behemoth Stone Dinosaur Gateway, I wasn't sure how I knew this stuff but I knew it was a good thing that I did. The man swooped the Argy into the sky using the reins connecting to the Argy Saddle, and all I could do was watch in amazement as the large bird spread used it's maximum wingspan and allowed us to see the vibrant blood red undersides.

I watched on with my mouth agape in shock, the red coloring was emphasized by the bright light of the sun above and it made the large bird sparkle. I was caught in complete awe and didn't notice that the man had the Rex following him, I jerked out of my awed state and quickly clutched to the Rex Saddle that was already present when the Rex was brought forward. My heart leaped out my chest as I bit down a squeal of fear, I was taken by surprise of the sudden movement as the Rex walked forward with large, powerful steps. 

I was slightly jarred left and right with each step as it lowered it's head toward the ground to build momentum in order to stay caught up with the man riding the Argy above us. I had no clue where we were heading but I knew that it would be a little better than the place we just were, or at least I hoped it would. I glanced behind me as the Rex exited out the Behemoth Reinforced Dinosaur Gate and watched as it closed with the sound of clinking filling the air once more. My mind was racing because I was a little scared, I was now going with a complete stranger instead of being circled by complete strangers, I didn't know if I should of been thinking of positive things or negative things.

Would I be safe with this guy? I watched as the man curved toward the ocean, meaning the Rex was going to follow him through the water, I had no idea where we were going but I was a little excited to see new things, as long as nothing attacked me. I heard the loud slosh as the large body of the Rex started to descend down into the large body of water, a little water speckled up and smacked me in the face while the Rex continued to lower it's self in the water. It swam at a rather slow pace, weaving back and forth through the water while keeping it's head pointed out of the water so it could see and it's nostrils up for air so the Rex could breath. 

The bottom of my feet sunk into the water occasionally and it felt great because they were burning from the baked sand when we were in that protective structure, the water was almost a Maya blue color that glittered from the bright sun above. I could see the shore in the distance, which eventually led to a very thick forest of trees and vines, I almost dreaded going inside because it was going to be so dark and hard to see. 

However, I knew that the Rex was following the man and I was hoping we wouldn't get left behind by him, I hope he wouldn't forget about us. We finally reached the shore and I could hear the ground crunching beneath the Rex's feet as it walked toward the forest while the large man hovered over it patiently waiting for us to catch up with him.

ARK: Survival Evolved: Respawning LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang