Ark: Chapter Five

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It was quiet when I stirred, I stretched toward Hunter's side of the bed but it was empty and I frowned as I slowly sat up while pulling the fur up to cover my breast, Hunter and I had sex again but this time, I saw it as nothing but pure pleasure. I believe if I think of sex that way, the rejection that I know is on the horizon won't hurt. I listened closely but there wasn't much sound of a man barreling around, perhaps he left but I was sure that he would be back so I didn't worry about it. 

Instead, I rose to my feet and dressed back into my dress that Hunter had given me. I exited the bedroom and barely missed a Compy rushing past me, it quickly doubled back and started twirling around my legs in a playful manner. I smiled at it and carefully stepped past as it curiously stared at me before slowly following, I glanced back at it and nearly squealed at the cuteness before leaning down and lightly rubbing it's little head, to which it called out glee to the contact. 

"Hunter?" I called curiously, rising up and walking to the door to peek outside and see if he was there, but I didn't see him.

I decided not to get my mind racing too much and assumed that he was busy elsewhere, he would come back, right? I looked at the Compy as it called before rushing toward a wooden pen made of Wooden Railing and it was housing multiple creatures that were hovering in the area. A Dire Bear was nursing a baby of it's kind and I watched onward in awe at the sight, I walked close enough and checked the Feeding Trough to see that it was slightly empty so I took it upon myself to look around until I spotted tons of Raw Meat in an nearby Preserving Bin by the wooden pen. 

I reached inside the Preserving Bin and grabbed 10X Raw Meat because I couldn't carry many with my poor weight range, I walked over and filled the Feeding Trough before stepping back and watching as the same Argy from my first day. It was humorous to watch he way it walked as it moved closer to where I was standing to grab a Raw Meat from the Feeding Trough and soon came a Purlovia coming to also eat. 

I followed the first trip with many, many, many trips until there was more than enough food to go around before deciding to do something very much more productive, I just had to find what exactly that productive thing would be. I walked into Hunter's home and started peeking through his main Storage Box until I noticed something, there was 7X Metal Irrigation Pipes, 2X Metal Irrigation Intake Pipes, 1X Metal Tap and lastly, 3X Metal Irrigation Straight Pipes, and I knew exactly what to do with all these items I had discovered. 

I walked to the pond and stuck a Metal irrigation Intake Pipe inside and immediately the flow of water started, I rushed to take a line from the pond to Hunter's cabin before lastly sticking the Metal Tap on it. How did I know exactly what to do? I wasn't sure but it had worked and we had water running beside Hunter's home for all of the free use he could need. I smiled at the success. 

I looked up as I heard flapping wings nearing, I couldn't pinpoint exactly what direction they were coming from but I moved closer to a random tree as the flapping sound got closer and closer and it wasn't long before I noticed a Quetzal was slowly lowering into the slight clearing. I wasn't sure who was mounted on the solid dark brown creature that was the same color from head to tail. The creature paused as something hit the ground and I looked at the Megaloceros that had landed on the ground from the Quetzal's talon before the Quetzal landed right afterwards.

I watched as Hunter dropped from the Quetzal before lightly whispering appreciation to it, the creature seemed to understand as it nudged him before Hunter softly whistled to it and it started to wander a little ways away to do who knows what. I looked at Hunter as he didn't notice me, I watched him as he walked to the Megaloceros and worked on rubbing the hairs on it's back in a coaxing manner while closely paying attention to the way it reacted. It seemed that it was already tamed by him, completely domesticated for whatever use Hunter needed, and that amazed me. 

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