When Rayne Falls- Chapter Nine

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One School Week Later: Rayne's POV

At long last, the last week of school before break was finally over, and my two and a half weeks of freedom were beginning. I was in the parking lot after school waiting by Jace's car. This also meant that I had a "date" with Jace tonight. As much as I had been trying to front with him and pretend I didn't care to go out with him, my nerves were tangled and I was actually looking forward to it a bit. I was obviously still cautious of him, because we beat each other up, but I actually had really high hopes that we could get along from now on.

The past week of school had been strange. Demetri and I could barely look at each other, but it didn't feel as bad as the first two days. He actually wrote to me a few times to ask if I was okay, and I told him I was fine; but that was the extent of it. Jace, however, kept his word and picked me up every single morning from my doorstep, and always had a coffee in hand for me, which I couldn't lie, made me excited. He already knew my coffee order by heart, and faithfully showed up with one in the passenger side cup holder, and the heat blasting. Personally, I think anyone else would have been completely taken with him by now, but I didn't know how I even felt at the idea of romance with anyone anymore.

As expected, Jace and I got weird looks from our entire table when we were actually talking to each other in a non-hostile way. I remember the twins asking Jace if he was feeling okay when he asked me if I wanted to sit next to him.

Demetri's eyes were wide when he realized Jace and I were "friends". I didn't know how that made me feel. On one hand, I enjoyed that Demetri seemed to care a little too much about me and Jace, but on the other hand, I wanted him to know that I cared about him, that I only wanted him. The back of my mind always screamed at me that it didn't matter, because he would never love me back. I could see it in the way Shelby hung onto him, the adoring kisses they exchanged, and the amount of years their relationship had under its belt.

But this was exactly why I needed to go out with Jace tonight. Maybe something could make me forget about Cody, and about Demetri. Maybe I could finally learn to be happy.

The parking lot was cold and a bit icy, and I scanned the streaming students for Jace's pale golden hair and black leather jacket. Instead, I found Shelby's bright red hair beside Demetri's dark locks. They were walking towards Demetri's car when they spotted me, and decided to come over. Over the past few weeks since I learned Demetri was a mute, I had been privately teaching myself sign language, and could almost always understand what Demetri was trying to sign to us. As they came closer, I also saw Jace walking out the doors and scanning the lot. Demetri's brow was furrowed in confusion, because I think this was when he realized Jace and I weren't just friendly at school; we were even hanging out outside of school.

Jace spotted us and ran over.

"Hey, sorry, I had to turn something in. I'll start the car," he said to me, before unlocking the doors and starting the car; turning the heat on, I assumed. A second later he was by my side acknowledging Demetri and Shelby.

"Shelbs, are you coming home tonight?" he asked her, and she looked over at Demetri. He smiled at her and shrugged, giving her the choice.

"No, I'll be at his house tonight. Do you know that his parents don't care if I stay overnight anymore or not? They're totally cool with it now," she said excitedly. I smiled a little; she was adorable and if I liked girls, I'd be able to see why Demetri fell for her. Jace snorted slightly, in his brotherly way.

"Alright, safe sex you two. Don't come home after like six, I have plans." he said, and I felt my heart rate speed up. Did he mean me?

"What, bringing home a girl or something?" she asked jokingly. I thought she was being sarcastic, but then my stomach sank a bit. Jace still hadn't told Shelby he was attracted to guys. She still believed he was straight.

When Rayne Falls (Work in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now