Critique: Half God, Half Devil | My Hero Academia|OC

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Title: Half God, Half Devil |My Hero Academia | OC 

Author: f-alk

Genre: Anime, Fanfiction, #134 japan 

Cover: Okay. The lettering could be better and your "real name" or username should be on there. Many critics will say you should use your "real name", but the whole point of online writing websites such as Wattpad; is to be anonymous. 

Summary: I need some more. Does Eden like to cause trouble? Or does she hate it? What's U.A.? (Ohhh a U.A. is a school... chap 2 explained) 

Chapter 1-Crow: Good. Good. Good intro. I would like to know what Bakugou looks like? He seems important. 

Chapter 2-Fintasia: 1st WTF Bakugou!!! Sorry... okay.. near the end that is what I need. Descriptions!!! 

Chapter 3- Skin: Maybe I misread, but who wants help? Also that was traumatic... If I was Eden I would have yelled the crap out of him and be crying. Goodness... Good job. You got me worked up. 

Chapter 4- Fly: Kirishima has red hair! I wish you told us sooner! 

Overall rate: 4 💙💙💙💙

Good length on those chapters. All stay relevant to their chapter name. Like I stated at the top. Descriptions. I know this is fan fiction, but someone like me who has never seen or read My Hero Academia has no idea what is going on. It is incredible. Keep up the good work.  I actually might read on (if I find the time 😭)

Rating Scale: Rate from 1-5


1: Poor/Needs MAJOR editing

2: Almost there/ needs fixing/need practice

3: Good/Needs a little editing

4: Good/Needs a little editing/may recommend/may read on

5: EXCELLENT/will recommend to followers, friends/may read on

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