
912 24 38


* = Means something NEW

I will read Chapter One or if have desired Chapter.

Rate from 1-5
1: Poor/Needs MAJOR editing
2: Almost there/ needs fixing/need practice
3: Good/Needs a little editing
4: Good/Needs a little editing/may recommend/may read on
5: EXCELLENT/will recommend to followers, friends/may read on

Whatever I say is not meant to be mean/rude. This is my honest opinion.

*Genres I won't do: Erotica, BxB (If is mature), GXG (If is mature) (Also books with a lot of cussing)


Please follow and check out one of my stories

*I do ask you vote or comment so I know for sure you have done the payment. 

Chapters for Chapters (If I critique one chapter you read one chapter of mine) 

*Please don't ask for more than five chapters. I will only do five; if I can get through the five. I'm not saying your writing will be horrible, but someone asked me to do five chapters and well it was tough.  If you want more than five, let me reach up to five first. If I can, I will message you. If I can't read past chapter five it will mostly be due to needing MAJOR editing, the genre, I feel uncomfortable, etc.  Also, I work so I only can critique once I get home from work. 


Message me with form



How many chapters:


*UPDATE: July 25, 2017 

-I'm on hold for Critiques. If you would like a critique, you will be put on a list. 

-If you do payment first, I'm more likely to get to your story first. I am usually a first come first serve basis, but recently I've discovered some people won't do payment after I took the time to read their story. Or they will take a very long time. 

-Also not giving me all the info I need (which is stated on the form) will push you down the list. If I message you because of missing info, please answer right away. 

-Lastly, I'm sorry if I've been slow. I get home from work, and I'm tired. I have some days where I can't get myself to read. 


 Monquie_Monkey,  (1/2 PAYMENT DONE) {Messaged}

RylandCier, Repent, Gwyllomay of the Darkness {Messaged} 

 Purreserenity, Perfect Delusion (PAYMENT???) >>>>>3. IN PROGRESS<<<<<<<

 Iskraiskrica, Billionaire & His Maid {Messaged}

 KikarCocoo, A Girl Named Chaos (1/2 PAYMENT DONE) >>>>>>>2. IN PROGRESS<<<<<<

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