Critique: Dracula's Tempestuous Bride

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Title: Dracula's Tempestuous Bride

Author: SassyRoe 

Genre: Paranormal, Vampire, Forbidden Romance, Fantasy, Elf

Cover: LOVE IT. Sweet and Simple. Love how the only color is Red. 

Summary: States the topic and problem for the characters

The gif boy. "It's my baby" Best line ever! 

Prologue: Well there goes Toby.. Thanks I was starting to like him...

Chapter 1: Haha.. that must have hurt...

Chapter 2: AWWWWWWWW!!! MY HEART!!

Overall rate: 5 💙💙💙💙 💙

I don't even know where to start!! This is soooo GOOD and it's only the Second Chapter!!! I'm not very big on Vampires, but Count Dracula, that's a different story. When I have time I'll definitely read on. Keep up the good work!! 

Rating Scale: Rate from 1-5
1: Poor/Needs MAJOR editing
2:Almost there/ needs fixing/need practice
3: Good/Needs a little editing
4:Good/Needs a little editing/may recommend/may read on
5: EXCELLENT/will recommend to followers, friends/may read on

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