Critique: Falling to Pieces

21 1 1

Title: Falling to Pieces

Author: ih9344

Genre: Short Story, social anxiety, No-Fiction?, Commentary 

Cover: I really like the use of puzzle pieces and the color being black and white. 

Summary: Good; sweet and simple. States the problem and how she might be able to solve the problem. I really like how you tied the dialogue and the summary into one. 

Iris South: Good. It really didn't hook me, but it's a good start. You describe everything and nothing is missing.

Part 1: What do you mean editing! This chapter is perfect! Grammar/ punctuation, even sentence flow is good. I do feel it should be a little longer, but I understand why it's not because this is a short story. 

(I needed a little more; I felt like I haven't read your full potential. So Part 1 is a freebie) 

Overall rate: 5 💙💙💙💙💙

OMG Your my first critique I've ever given a 5. Everything is perfect. Everytging is pretty much stated above. I actually might read on (if I find the time 😭) Keep Writing

Rating Scale: Rate from 1-5
1: Poor/Needs MAJOR editing
2:Almost there/ needs fixing/need practice
3: Good/Needs a little editing
4:Good/Needs a little editing/may recommend/may read on
5: EXCELLENT/will recommend to followers, friends/may read on

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