Chapter 8 - Black Sarcasm Dripping With Red

Comincia dall'inizio

'Itachi' turns towards the class slowly and goes for a desk before even waiting for me to speak.  He sits in Rachelle's seat and I'm about to object when he looks up at me and freezes me with that same glare.  The students seem oblivious to our eye exchange and I don't back down.  I remain unblinking and take notice of the sheer blackness of his eyes. Before long my eyes start watering.  Finally he smirks and looks away, taking a few seconds to glare at the quarterback, Mark Davidson.



"Chase Mitchelson."

I am looking at the records for the new kid.  Mitchelson.  That's another damn shock for today.  So he's her brother and he suddenly appears when she's gone... Where are you, Rachelle?

Shuffling through the rest of his enrollment papers I come across a very puzzling piece of information.  It lists the family members:

Sister - Rachelle Mitchelson

Brother - Scott Mitchelson

Another relative I know nothing about... It says here his parents are together, not divorced, not separated.  With a sigh I lift my hand to take a sip of water from my glass.


The sound of broken glass pierces the cafeteria, causing mostly everyone to look up and see what happends.  I look up and a billowing black cloak disappears around the corner of the cafeteria near the pop machines.  On the floor is my glass of water completely shattered, a huge puddle on the floor.

Jenny goes to get the janitor while I walk around the huge puddle and go towards that cloak I swear I saw.  I'm in the hallways, empty and silent at lunch time.  I walk along the line of tall lockers as fast I can until I reach the intersection.  This is the moment when I have to make one of the biggest decisions anyone has to make in their life.  It's the time when all the studying, practice, careful precision that you've learned from experience in the past comes to play.  I think very carefully about my next decision, the one that will change my life forever...


Or right?

Turn left it's the swimming pool.  Turn right it's the gym.

I turn left.

The sparkling blue room envelops me senses with chlorine instantly and I scrunch my nose up.  I'm allergic to chlorine and never swim in anything colder than 80 degrees.  Especially not in the middle of winter.  The room was pretty warm, as was kept so nobody would get sick.  I look around the dim lit room until I'm startled from a loud 'CLANG'.  A door just closed on the opposite side of the large pool.  I head in that direction immediately, a strange sensation creeping up my back.  It's saying.

You're paranoid.  Go back to the cafeteria and eat your lunch.

Half way to the pool a great force behind me pushes me into the deep end of the water and I'm ten feet under.  My eyes are burning already, my glasses lost somewhere in the deep, and so I can't open my eyes.  I'm holding my breath as long as possible, doing the butterfly stroke upwards so I can break surface.

But there's a vibration and riffle.  Someone else is in the water.  And I'm being pulled downward by very strong arms, the motion of legs kicking bringing me the opposite way I should be going.  I dare to open my eyes to get a glimpse of blurred black, my face is in someone's clothes.My eyes involunatrily shut, the burning quadrupling.  I try to punch whoever's holding me, but water slows down your motions big time and there's too much pressure.  Unless I'm the Hulk I won't do any damage.

My back is against the pool floor and my breath is running out.  Fear is actually starting to grip me as I finally realize I'm being drowned by someone I can't see.  If my vision were perfect and I wasn't allergic to chlorine I could open my eyes and hopefully see the face of my murderer.  But as it is. I'm struggling and kicking, trying to pry the incredibly strong hands gripping my arms and shoulders.

It must be two minutes... my breath is running out.  My struggling is doing no good.  Whoever's holding me must have more iron in their blood than normal and probably an air mask to stay under as long as I have.  Pain starts crushing down on my lungs as I try to hold my breath just a little long and try to push off from the pool floor.  But i can't...

I feel my hope dwindling. My throat is locking up, the burning in my eyes is a needle in the haystack compared to all the other fear and pain gripping me.  A boost of confidence rides through me and I dare to force my eyes open one last time, and at the same time push a tremendous amount of force on my upper body and arms into the person holding me.  For a second, the figure is pushed back a few inches and I catch a glimpse of pitch black strands contrasting against red...

And then... all I see is red.


It reminds me of the last time I saw Rachelle.

I wonder if I could see her again I would tell her my favourite colour...

Strange what you think of right before you're in death's embrace.  Strange what you FEEL when you're being kissed by death.

Girlfriend's A VAMP Guy's A TEACHERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora