A prince? I wasn't surprised as Holden had a posh way about him.

"For luck, so you might kill the one who took your place," I reply slyly with a small smile and Holden almost instantly slaps a hand over my mouth, eyes wide.

"Chyronex –"

"I want everyone to rise and witness my final surprise," I hear Rey's dreaded voice call out, carrying across crowd, just like music on the wind – towards our locale, "Let us witness my very own, young and budding - Venatores."

As people stop their bird-like whispering, they gasp instead.

Lixar lets out a growled laugh while Andoll walks forward first, hissing at me like a snake as she strolls down the walk way towards Rey.

"Ah, the Split Soul," Rey drawls his welcome to Andoll as she walks to the front.

I witness the crowd watch her in horrified amazement. Every step she takes to the King is monitored by the public. It's somewhat terrifying to know I'll soon be next under the scrutinising eye of so many.

"...my turn," Lixar murmurs to himself and raises his weak head to glance at me. Not a smile or a frown on his hollow face, just an empty stare full of secrets like Zarcar. I watch as Lix limps forward, slow paced.

"One very fearsome Mystifyer," Rey chuckles mockingly while Lixar approaches with small strides from his weak legs, "...no time for shuffling, Lixar, hurry up!" Rey impatiently waits for Lixar to finish his trek under the gaze of the people, and I wait with baited breath for my turn, "Finally," Rey hisses the word as Lix stands by Andoll, and the King now drawls, "Last to complete the Venatores, but definitely not least..."

Holden nudges me in the back and I look over my shoulder to see the ex-prince watching me with stern eyes.



Just walk forward. Kneel. Submit. Rise.

I keep my gaze down and walk to the middle path between the crowd, bunching my fists into the brilliant gold of my dress. I slowly raise my head and I see Zarcar is standing with Andoll and Lixar now too. My captor watches me approach with the eyes of a hunter – scanning the crowd as if he might lunge forward to protect me if someone tried anything funny.

"The Draconess," Rey drawls out and I watch the people's gazes turn hard with recognition.

These people know what a Draconess is and does. It makes me uncomfortable they know more about it than I do. Thanks, Zarcar. I glare at my Warlord now and I know he is fully aware of my frustration. He gives me a slight nod – bare with it, he says to me through that look.

More protecting. I nod slowly back at him. Then, I see Andoll turning to smirk at me and Lixar watching me over his shoulder with thin lips.

Lastly, I dare to meet Rey's forever haunting silver eyes; like the moon. The Immortal King is assessing me closely, as if I'm the treasure he's always been searching for. Not to mention I'm walking right into his palm with no knowledge about what would become of my future.

What a great start.

I glide to Zarcar's side and Rey takes a seat at his throne.

"Kneel," Zarcar murmurs at me and I fall to my knees beside him. When I do that, I'm surprise to see Lixar and Andoll copy me.

"How pleasant," Rey speaks quietly now, "Andoll," murmuring under his breath, she scuttles forward on all fours to his feet and kisses his shoes. He laughs and tells her to, "Rise," with amusement. She flits to her feet and jumps backwards to hide behind Zarcar, "Zar, Lix... you both together," Rey motions them forward and I watch as the cousins hesitate, glance at one another and then step forward together.

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