Christmas Promises

Start from the beginning

"I am very glad you took on that bass line," he said to Avi. "I sure couldn't manage it, I swear you get deeper every year."

"That's what she said!" Mitch winked and both Kevin and Avi laughed while Kirstie frowned instead.

"Come on, Kit, you can laugh, we won't judge."

She scoffed. "Really. Well someone has to be professional around here." She tossed her hair dramatically.

"Ouch, that was low." Kevin came over and gathered her into a big hug that lifted her off the ground.

"Put me down this instant."

"Not until you laugh, you know you want to." He started to spin with her secure in his arms, until she flailed and screamed.

"No - it wasn't even that funny - stop!"

Kevin put her down and shouted, "Group hug, pile in guys."

Soon Kirstie was in the middle of a crush of arms and bodies, swaying and singing All I want for Christmas is you with Kirstie instead of baby in the chorus. She added some whistle notes, and that led to a whistle note battle between her and Mitch.

Scott riffed wildly while slurring all his words together, Kevin sang in falsetto, and Avi dropped it an octave. They all ended up breathless, holding on to each other for support while Kirstie cry-laughed with Mitch.

Scott sprawled on a chair drinking water. He looked around at the happy faces and the years fell away. It was just the five of them together again, goofing off and working hard. They were five artists painting on one canvas and he loved each one; Kevin's wisdom, Kirstie's positive energy, Avi's loyalty. And of course there was Mitch, first among equals and first in his heart.

"Hello, earth to Scott."


The man himself was waving a hand in his face. Black and white diamonds glittered on his third finger. "Come on, we can manage another run-through before lunch."

Scott saw Avi and Kevin exchange a knowing look. Heart-eyes Hoying had been caught dreaming again, and he didn't care. At least Kevin didn't have to sneak around to get his Scömìche photo any more.

Scott stretched until his back popped and then exhaled. "Okay, let's get back to it because I'm starving."

Before their first performance Scott swallowed against the lump in his throat when Kevin said a prayer in their huddle. It always grounded him, taking him way back to a group of teenagers in a talent show, trying to control their nervous excitement and do their best.

Candice styled them perfectly in festive red and gold, the microphone balance was spot-on, and their voices were in sync from the first note to the last. Scott was more than happy.

After singing they squashed onto Tyler Oakley's couch while he recited their considerable accomplishments.

"I've followed your careers as PTX and solo artists from the very beginning. And now you're featured on Scott's new album as well as releasing a compilation of your biggest holiday hits called "That's the Very Best of Christmas To Me." How does it feel to be sharing the stage again?"

Kirstie answered, "It feels like coming home, doesn't it guys? After all the shows we've done together and separately, there's still something about Christmas music that is so special to us."

"We did argue over what to include," Avi said. 'We all had our own favourites."

"I bet the fans had a say too."

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