Reloaded - on the road

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Hello my dear readers and happy Monday!

PTX on stage, omfg, what a show! Matt is brilliant, such a great addition, so much energy and a lovely person. I don't even know what to say about the other 4. Costume changes, lighting, choreo. It's fantabulous. They're amazing, always taking it to another level. 

Just, go see them if you can. See them twice if you can!

(Still love Avi and waiting not so patiently for his new music.)

I wrote this episode out of chronological order (since tour happens before the bachelor party) but I had an idea for a song or two,  they're all in there. ( © all rights reserved, for ever and ever)

And if there's a little angst, trust that it turns out fine in the end... 🎤👯🔥💥😢👨‍❤️‍👨


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Mitch had forgotten how much he enjoyed touring. Meet and Greets on the Reloaded tour were small enough to be manageable, and full of long-time fans who remembered Superfruit and PTX gigs and sang along enthusiastically from the front row. He pretended not to see them checking out his promise ring as he signed posters. He might possibly have twisted his wrist for an extra flourish, letting the light catch the silver band of meteorite. But if asked he would deny till his last breath.

In Mitch's opinion the worst thing about the tour bus was definitely the beds. Although a step up from a single bunk, the queen bed on Scott's bus was still too small for a giant with spinal issues plus his fiancé to sleep comfortably after a demanding set. Much as he wanted to cuddle after a show it meant backache for Scott the next day. Reluctantly they kissed goodnight, after which one starfished with a sigh of relief while the other wrapped up behind his curtain with eye mask and lavender oil.

The best thing about the tour bus was leaving it behind when they had a hotel stay, with space and time to massage away the spinal issues. And if the massage didn't stop at relieving tension in a curved spine, well that was a bonus.

On their last night of tour in New York, a red haired man stood at the back of the line hugging Superfruit's Resolution on vinyl as though it were precious cargo. Mitch thought he looked familiar, but he'd met so many people for work and social reasons that this was a regular feeling.

"Hey, Pierce isn't it?" Scott said with a broad smile. "Great to see you again."

Pierce nodded. "That's right, I'm amazed you remember me. Can I fangirl now I'm not at work?"

Mitch giggled. "Sure honey, go ahead. We loves it."

"Oh my God, first of all congratulations on getting engaged! You are the most adorable couple, I thought so even back then. I love all your stuff, I have everything all the way back to PTX volume one, oh and the vinyls of course." His light blue eyes sparkled. "I even turned Gil here into a fan, that was non-negotiable." He passed over the album for Scott to sign and turned to the bearded man next to him.

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