Can't deny you - pt 1

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Hello lovelies! Back at it again with Scömìche to start your week right.

Winter has finally left the building and everything is growing. Spring is wonderful. Kevin liked one of my tweets and all is well.

And - *drum roll from Kevin, because honestly he's the best*

"The Pact" made #1 in the Scömìche tag on Wattpad!!!! *confetti cannons* *Scott flinches*

So 🍓excited and grateful to each and every reader who made this happen. I'm grateful for YOU right now *kisses your hands* THANK YOU ALL 😘💖✨🎉🎊

Now, our guys visit Avi, and stuff happens.

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Scott and Mitch finally carved a few days out of their schedules to get away. After a short and uneventful flight they threw their bags in the back of a rental car. The radio played in the background but they were too busy talking to sing along like they usually did. They were very ready to unwind after days of back-to-back meetings and interviews and photo shoots.

"Wow. That was quick."

"It's not that far from the airport."

"You weren't exactly taking it slow."

"What do you mean, I kept to the speed limit. Anyway I just want a decent coffee and space to stretch my legs."

Scott pulled up outside the impressive house with its single storey wings spreading either side of the two storey main building. Fields surrounded the house and stables, with green hills in the distance. It was just as Mitch remembered.

"I feel more relaxed already. Let's go in." Scott switched off the ignition.

"Scott, wait."

"What's that, baby?"

Mitch chewed his lip. "I don't - I'm not good with kids-"

Scott squeezed his thigh. "We talked about this. You'll be fine, just be yourself. You don't have to do horses and no-one's expecting you to change diapers or play with Lego."

Mitch stared at his hands, twisted in his lap. "I don't want to let anyone down."

"Mitchy." Scott leaned across to kiss his cheek. "You could never let me down, or Avi for that matter. You talk to the adults, let me deal with the kids."

"Okay." Mitch was not okay. He undid his seatbelt and tried to still his bouncing leg.

Scott stroked his thigh. "And just think, hot tub." He trailed one hand over Mitch's groin.

Mitch batted his hand away. "Scott stop it," he snapped. "I can't go in there with a hard-on." Not that it was likely when he was wound so tight.

Scott continued to rub circles on his thigh, keeping to safer territory. "Just trying to distract you. You can hide behind me if you like."

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