Baby boy - pt. 1

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Hello loves and happy Easter! Surprise gift for you all, guaranteed dairy free and non fattening. 🐰🎁

Right now, New Rules/Are you that somebody is playing on a loop in my head. The harmonies, the bell chimes, the new rhythm section having a moment to shine, all on point.

And just look at those new profile pics... swoon.

Matt is a wonderful addition, and it's fantastic to see them all doing their own thing as well as making sweet music together.

Now, back to our guys, who are in a better place after their communications fail last time.

Much, much better. 💥👨‍❤️‍👨💕


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After a day of meetings Mitch and Scott sat at opposite ends of the long white couch, mindlessly scrolling through their phones while the TV played in the background.

Scott sang along with a cereal advert. "They're magically delicious."

Mitch couldn't take any more. "Stop, you're making my ears bleed."

Scott huffed. "What? Rude. It's just so catchy. Maybe we could do something with it. Give it a synth beat and a dirty chorus. What d'ya say?"

"I say stop it."

"Show me what you like to eat, use your mouth and use your teeth," Scott sang. He snickered, eyes still fixed on his phone.

Mitch was feeling content. The shoot for his Dualité TV ad went really well, and he had recorded the voice over, which required no grooming or makeup. Despite Scott's assurances, he needed to work and contribute. But it wasn't required, and that took the pressure off as he auditioned for another film role. He was sleeping better wrapped in Scott's arms, which was exactly where he wanted to be. And with help from Candice and Kirstie, he was working through ideas for his wedding outfit.

He turned off his phone and watched Scott slump onto his back, long legs hanging off the couch and chin scrunched into his neck. An idea had teased at the edge of his mind for a while. He appraised his man's beard scruff, defined jaw, Cupid's bow, long eyelashes, triple chin and goofy grin. He was totally masculine and perfect.

"You didn't answer." Scott lifted one pale brow, noticing Mitch crawling towards him. "Oh you want to play do you, little kitty?"

He tossed aside the throw pillows to make room. "I'm not a little kitty. Maybe I'm a jaguar, or a panther. Maybe," Mitch sat astride Scott's hips, "you are prey and you don't know it."

"C'mon then, hunt me. If you're strong enough." Scott put his phone down. "Let's fight."

Mitch smiled, slow and wide. "I won't fight you. But I will take you out, treat you like a queen. And then..." He trailed off, kissed his fingertip and placed it on Scott's lips before bending forward. He licked along the shell of his ear and felt Scott shiver.

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