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Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first and is waiting or it. - Terry Pratchett


Alayna's POV

My eyes watched as the water dripped down the window of the car. I don't know why but I prefer it to be rainy then it be sunny. I guess I've always liked the way the water would distract me from my unforgiving thoughts. Sighing I leaned my head against the window catching my mom's eye in the rearview mirror. I hadn't realized that we stopped until my mother gave me a reassuring smile.

Wordlessly I opened the car door looking up at the house in front of us. I could feel the tears pricking my eyes as I took in the scenery.

I couldn't believe that we had to leave Florida to live in London. It wasn't even necessary. But no we just had to do it.

I felt a hand on my back and turned to see my mother smiling at me. "Your step father is inside sweetheart I know this is a lot to take in, but please just try. "

I gave her a slight smile. I knew how much my mom loved this man. She wouldn't have married him if she didn't. But he was willing to move to America.

But I know why my mother chose to come all the way to London. I know it was because of..never mind it doesn't even matter anymore.

I saw Steve my mom's new husband or my step dad in my case coming out of the house to help with the luggage. All of our stuff was already brought over here a week ago but we had to bring our clothes.

I saw the way he looked at my mom with adoration and when he came to get my luggage from me I smile at him.

"I see the way you look at her. She's been hurt before, so be careful her. She's fragile but I trust you with her. Don't abuse mine or my mothers trust." I saw Steve smile down at me his face softening.

"Tis' true Alayna I love your mum so very much. And it means a lot that both of you are willing to give me a chance. And I teach at your school so I made sure your have all classes that you would like. And you have the biggest room here. I don't want you to feel that I'm only here for your mother. I know you had to loose a lot of things. And people in America so thank you."

I let a tear slip passed my eye but quickly wiped it away. "Thank you. But we should probably get inside before we get soaked by the rain."

Laughing he grabbed my suit case and walked ran to the house me following closely behind him.

I walked into the house gaping at how big it was. Walking up the banister I looked for the room with my stuff in it. As when I found it I gasped. Steve wasn't kidding when he said he gave me the biggest room.

Opening my suit case I pulled out the picture of him and ran my finger across it. Sighing I pulled out the box of pictures and my journal. I felt like just throwing them in a fire watching as the flames brightened turning the memories into dust and ash.

But I knew I wouldn't be able to bring myself to do it.

So I bent down and put them under the kingsized bed.

And without a second glance or thought I began unpacking my clothes.


We were all sat at the dining table and I was poking at my food. "So Alayna your mother tells me you excel in art." I smiled at him nodding my head. "Yeah I do. But I don't think I'm that good."

"Nonsense Alayna. She's wonderful. She even was Asked to create a mural for her old school." My cheeks reddened as my mom continued to ramble about my artistic skills.

I felt my phone buzzing in my back pocket and I looked at the screen. I looked up at my mom sheepishly who nodded.

The rest of the night was spent with me talking with all my friends back in the u.s.

But I couldn't help but feel the feeling of someone watching me.

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