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Darkness consumes you,your heart,and your mind. Broken whimpers fight there way past your lips. Where there was once light,is now consumed with darkness. And it was all because of him.

A/n this is my new fanfic let me get this straight first of all if your gonna be all Harry isn't like that he isn't a heart breaker get the fuck out and shut the fuck up cause I will go all ape shit on you alright I understand that and i mean no harm or hate to Harry cause let's be honest who could ever hate our hazza trick question no one can.

I want to ask all of you to not say I'm copying after. My story plot is nothing like after. I'm only saying not to compare them cause people tend to do it even though it had nothing to do with after.

Not everyone though.

But for example on one thing I saw it had a girl named Theresa.

And then someone commented saying...

"You copied after" -.- Bish wet.

Sorry I had to.

Anyways now to this boring part.

This fanfic contains the following.

•horrible smut.

•a lot of swearing.

•strict explicit material.

•and a lot of misspelled words cause of auto correct.


Ok so if you've ever read any of my other stories then your probably familiar with something called sat reader.

Well basically star reader is like an award that I do.

It goes to the best reader.

You must;



And be supportive.

To win this.

However only one person is allowed to win this.


If your a silent reader your equally accepted. If you are one that's fine feel free to break out of your shell on this or any of my Fanfics. I will not pressure you to comment if don't want to it's totally up to you. Just know that your amazing. *hugs silent readers virtually*

Ok well with out further a due.

I present you with





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