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E D I T E D▪

"Liam," Luca swallowed in distress, looking over to the despaired Alpha beside him. "I'm sure Louis is alright. He knows how to handle himself." Luca said, slightly referring to the defence classes Liam had given Louis back when they had been teenagers.

When all Liam did was look at him with glowing red eyes, Luca swallowed, remembering that it hadn't helped Louis when he had been vulnerable. Vulnerable enough to be taken.

"Luca," Liam began, trembling, "It's been two days. He's carrying." Liam refrained from howling, and Luca gripped the steering wheel in front of him. Luca's mind raced with how quickly things had shifted in their lives. Liam was unstable with his thoughts, letting his wolf take over more than anything, and Niall wouldn't even speak-- the uncharacteristically quiet Omega curling in on himself as he blamed himself for letting Louis go, despite being told otherwise.

Luca steeled his gaze when two pack wolves leaned forward from their place before the pack ground gates, peeking into the police jeep. "Liam." Luca growled, "Snap out of it, goodness! You know not to show weakness towards these savages. Hold your head high, and face them like an Alpha!" He murmured and rolled down his window, his eyes instantly drawn to the tattoo that curled around the pack wolf's neck. It was the mark of the Blood Hounds.

Liam's jaw clenched, and he whipped out his ID, Luca doing the same. "We're here to see the pack Alpha. Styles." Luca conveyed professionally, and the crass Alpha before him clicked his tongue mockingly. His muscles bulged as he crossed his arms, and Luca silently gazed into the sly wolf's eyes. "The Alpha?" The wolf snorted sarcastically, giving the cards behind him to be scanned thoroughly. "What purpose could you, you pathetic, packless, Beta have with our Alpha?"

Luca snarled, and Liam gripped his arm in warning. "It doesn't concern you." Liam replied pointedly, and stared unflinching when the wolf sneered at him. "Clear." The wolf behind drawled, and the mocking wolf clicked his tongue once again. "Get off." He knocked on the jeep. "You'll be taken there by one of ours."

Luca and Liam shared a glance and grabbed their guns, tucking it into their holsters. The wolf before him snorted, his eyes flashing red. "City wolves." He mocked, flashing his canines as he hissed. He knocked his head back, and Luca trailed his eyes over to where the wolf gestured to. Wolves patrolled behind the high walls, undoubtedly-poisoned bows and arrows slung over their backs. "Rhodium coated, baby." The wolf snickered as he lead them to an awaiting jeep on the other side of the gates. "Holds nothin' on your child's play."

Disgruntled, Liam and Luca followed, a weight laying heavy on their chests. "Sweet." Luca answered sarcastically, burning when the wolf chuckled mockingly, "Ladies first."


It wasn't that Louis was disappointed or anything of the sort.

He scowled at Zayn who looked... Well who looked uncaring.

This made Louis angrier than before.

"What is the meaning of this?" He threw his hands up and wrapped them around his torso, pacing before the Alpha with glowing silver eyes. "Why am I here? Why am I locked up? I didn't even do anything wrong. Infact!" Louis snapped his finger in mock excitement, "Wait! I didn't even do anything!"

Louis rested his hands on his hips and glared at Zayn who let out a controlled sigh. "Are you not the pack Beta? Do you not have duties to attend to?"

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