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A ferocious growl rippled through the air, after which pin-drop silence ensued. "I do not tolerate liars. Where the fuck is he." Dark emerald eyes burning with dark wrath, Harry clenched his jaw as his hand billowed his coat behind him harshly.

"Very well on his way." Zayn murmured as he mind-linked the wolf he sent to bring the 'traitor'.

"Très bien alors." Harry smirked viciously, eyes flaring red in the dim light. "Have you taken care of the Onyx brothers, Zayn?" Harry drawled as he carelessly balanced a glass of wine on his forefinger.

Zayn's eyes flickered over to his Alpha for a passing moment. "Yes."

"Tipped them over their... Balance, have you?"

Zayn shook his head, his lips twitching into a small smile. "Yes."

"Oops." Harry chuckled lowly as the wine glass tipped off his forefinger and shattered on the floor beside his boots. The rich red wine soaked into the smooth brown carpet, a few droplets splattered onto his jeans, and small glass pieces glittered on the black of his shoes.

His eyes snapped up when a lowly, groaning sound, accompanied with that of something being dragged, reached his sharp ears. Zayn shook his head as he turned around to retrieve a whip. "He's here."

The appearance of a sinister dimpled smirk on Harry's face, assured Zayn that he already knew.

Leaning back in his throne and throwing a leg over the other, Harry proved to be an uncaring, yet respectful figure when he moved his feet so that the wolf who had been clearing the glass pieces near his feet could completely clean everything. At the sound of his neck cracking when Harry stood to his feet, the Beta wolf scampered away from the scene, unwilling to watch what would be soon another blood bath.

"Well, well, well!" Harry feigned surprise as he slowly made his way down the steps that elevated his throne. The wolves that dragged the limp Alpha-wolf, dropped him to the floor and stepped back, crossing their arms. Zayn silently handed over the whip when Harry extended his arm out. Rounding the limp wolf on the floor, Harry raised his brows.

"We found him captured in his own abode, Alpha." The guarding wolf said and bowed his head in respect.

"Captured." Harry narrowed his eyes and whipped the air once. His nose picked up on the faint smell of an Omega.

"Tied... To his couch."

"Ah." Harry's eyes flashed in annoyance, "Wild night?" He rumbled in anger, kicking the unconscious Alpha onto his back. Zayn smirked at the ground in amusement.

Piercing eyes looked back into the intimidated wolves before him. "Bring me his Omega."


Louis couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this tired.

He'd been snapping at anyone who dared to look in his direction with question in their eyes. The broken heater that Abe eventually had just begun fixing wasn't helping his state either. He whined and fought to stand, tiredly falling back onto his bed when he couldn't.

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