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Chapter Warnings : Vaginal Fingering (I'M SORREH LOL)

▪E D I T E D▪

"I've got you, darling."

Louis keened and jolted as he pressed into his Alpha's side, his eyes scrunched close, fist enclosing his Alpha's jacket.

"Shh... I'm here, and I've got you."

Louis sighed in relief when he slipped his hand under his Alpha's clothes, resting his palm against where he felt a strong heart beating. For him. Only him.

"Only you, darling."

Soft lips pressed down on his own, and he whined, pliant, giving himself up as he craned his neck, presenting his fresh throbbing mark.

"So pretty darling. All pretty. Just for me."

He frowned when his Alpha shifted.

Louis screamed when the mark shut itself close, the beating heart under his fingertips gone, his Alpha's scent gone, everything that ever belonged to him, gone.

"Time, darling, heals. Wait for me."

Louis screamed and thrashed around, finally gaining the consciousness he needed, and faintly heard panicked voices that belonged to searing hands that now held him down in place. They stopped him from moving. They stopped him from leaving with his Alpha. They stopped him from leaving for his Alpha.

"Louis? Louis!"

The Omega finally snapped his eyes open, sobbing when he was met with various curious eyes that were clouded with worry for him. "Louis. Louis, can you hear me, darling?"


Louis sobbed harder, nodding at the Alpha before him, who he recognised as his doctor. The Alpha's surprised face was the last thing he saw before his eyes rolled to the back of his head, darkness consuming his conscious, yet again.



Liam clenched and unclenched his fists as he paced before Louis' doctor, eyes momentarily flickering over to Niall who pressed his face close to the glass partition that separated him and Louis.

"It-- It's a miracle." The doctor wondered, and Liam had had enough.

"What are you saying." He growled deeply, and the doctor sighed, rubbing his neck nervously.

"I-- He's perfectly normal now. It's as though his Alpha is with him, now. His vitals are perfectly alright, and his erratic heartbeat-- it was the cause of his fatigue-- has slowed to a normal pace--" His words choked to a stop when Liam growled and rushed forward, slamming the doctor onto the nearby wall, hand pressing into his neck.

"He was here." He rumbled, completely disregarding the panicked Omega that pulled at his sleeves. "You let him in." He growled deeper, eyes flashing red. He howled when he felt the hospital security guards pull him away from the doctor who gasped for air, calming down his own wolf that yearned to fight with all it's might.

"I swear to the Goddess I don't know who--"

Liam's eyes flashed dangerously, switching between hard brown eyes and murderous red. Just as he was about to elbow the Alphas who held him back, he fell limp when a Beta nurse injected him with a bit of Hypnotics, lulling him to a slurring slumber. Niall cried into his hands as he watched Liam be placed on a stretcher of his own and wheeled away to a room 3 doors down from Louis.

"Will-- will he be alright, doctor?" Niall whimpered apologetically, and the doctor swallowed, sighing. "Yes. He will. It was just his Alpha taking over. He'll be alright once he wakes up." The doctor replied, remaining a respectful distance from the Omega who he knew was quite important to Liam. "Would you like me to call for someone while you wait in Louis' room?" He asked, and Niall nodded, sadly wiping away the tears that fell down his cheeks. "Yes please. His name is Lucas Hemfor." Niall replied, listing down the numbers to the Beta officer.

Nodding in gratitude, Niall opened the door to Louis' room, slipping inside quietly.


"It has been 2 days."

Zayn stood quietly behind Harry as the pack Alpha stood to his full height, his fingers tapping against his crossed arms.

"Sir." The Alpha wolves before him muttered.

Zayn let out a small dismayed sigh when Harry hummed. His arms slowly uncrossed themselves, and he turned to what he had been doing before the two Alphas had come into the room. He glared when the Beta wolf laid out before him whimpered, clenching her fists with the sheets she was lying on. "Shh..." He warned, brushing his fingers inside her thighs once again. Zayn grumbled slightly when Harry nodded to her. "Do you give complete consent?" He drawled, shaking his head when the Beta wolf nodded her head fervently.

He left when Harry motioned him to leave, slowly playing with the bare strings of the thong that the Beta wolf was wearing. When the Alphas remained in the room with uncertainty, he glared at them to leave, right when he slipped a finger inside her lace thong, brushing it against her clit in an almost nonchalant manner.

The two Alphas shifted uncomfortably, unable to decipher whether their Alpha was mad at them or not.

"Do not return until you have completed your task." Harry said simply, and the Alphas nodded, turning to leave as Harry fingered the Beta who struggled to stay quiet.

"Wonder why he does that." Zayn heard two pack wolves talk as he jogged to attend to his responsibilities. "Choose the loudest whore and force her to be quiet."

"That's Alpha, alright."

Zayn snorted to himself as he slipped away, his hands gripping a mobile phone to his ear.

"Tsk tsk tsk." He heard on the other side of the line. "Harry, Harry, Harry. He isn't going happy when he comes to know of this."


Forgive me! It's a short chapter, bUt I wAs ToO eXcItEd!!

*⚠ - Means that the content might contain some triggering or extremely inappropriate things. Here, het stuff.

Chill out. ✌


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[Awe. Look at that soft sass in his eyes asdfghjkl]


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