With that strong urge fueling my thoughts, a dark fog invades my vision, pushing away the vibrant colours of the realm of nature. Silence prevails and stillness reigns supreme. All too soon I feel the reassuring warmth of my own body return.

Opening my eyes, the faces of my fellow hunters greet me. Behind them, the leaves gracefully partake in a gentle dance, moving in the rhythm set forth by the approaching storm.

"We must find these beings with haste." My words are spoken with a sense of dread. I pray they come in peace, it will not bode well to commit violence in such a sacred time. "The spirits speak of them with caution, we are facing warriors with souls of steel."

Uncertain mummers fill the air as I finish that statement. Only the naive would cast such warnings aside.

Sad grey taints the colours all around, serving perhaps as a harbinger of what the future holds. May the Crystal Herald bless us with her guidance forevermore.

"Very well, let us seek their encampment," A more experienced hunter declares, "...the tracks are fresh, they lead to the north."

He continues on with a much more solemn tone, "Hmmm...it appears our sentinel golems have pursued them." For the first time in many days, uncertainty enters my thoughts.

"That must explain the absence of their life essence. They were undoubtedly slain by their hands."

Is it wise to track them? I want to return to my family alive. Yet at the same time I must face these beings should their intentions not be of a noble kind.


Creeping into my thoughts, are the faces of my beloved. Maira....and Lumina, I swore to protect them until the black grip of death claims me.

A difficult choice this is. But my path is set. "It may be dangerous but..." I pause, aiming my sights to the northern clouds, "we know what must be done."

"Most definitely, let us press on." Everyone shares a dutiful nod to one another. After the gesture is done, I drape the hood over my head.

The shadows upon my face hide my slightly fearful expression as I give one last bow to the statue of Vierra. The crystal ornates still lay dead, but the warm presence of the Crystal Herald remains strong.

Please protect my family as I venture into the jaws of uncertainty...

My back now faces the sacred shrine and with it, the village I call home as well. Imbuing my legs with magic, I follow the rest of the hunters. The wind rushes against my fluttering cloak as I keep up the nimble footsteps. At such speeds, my footing must be tuned lest I lose my balance.

As one unified force, we carve a path deep into the once lively forest.

One hunter in particular melds into the darkness with aid from the clouds above, moving very much like a swift wraith. The shadows casted did wonders to stave of the light of day.

My bow is drawn, arrows are at the ready. To the source of this mystery I go. I am no warrior, should my fears ring true this matter will fall into the hands of the Grand Cabals from the capital Island.

If there are elves who have steels within their souls, it would be them.

-1542 Military Hours

Things are coming clear, the settlement is in visual. My eyes dart to each and every individual, taking note of their strange clothing. Green sleeveless fittings, simple to look at and certainly having its own appeal.

For a brief moment, a sense of peace washes over me. This is an entire culture, that fact just made it more surreal for my senses as I continue to march forward.

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