< . F . I . V . E . >

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Eventually we had entered every shop there was to see and left rolling out 3 carts filled with new things. I'm pretty sure an entire cart is just for Phoenix's toys. I really don't understand why they felt the need to buy so much stuff for us. I mean, what happens when we have to leave. I mean, it's going to happen at some point. Why would they spend this much for 2 kids that they don't even know?

The back of their car was filled full with shopping bags, almost touching the roof. I secretly smiled at myself. We haven't had someone care about us this much for a long time. I can tell that Phoenix is already attached to them, especially Pete. I looked down at him as he slept against me. How did I get so lucky to still have him in my life? I wrapped my arm around his and he snuggled closer to my body.

Pete pulled up into their driveway and they both got out. I was just about to wake him up but Kelly opened his door and peeked her head in.

"Why don't you just take him up to his room. Pete and I can bring all of your guys' stuff in and later we can sort everything out." She said with a kind smile.

I gave her a nod making her smile bigger. She closed the door and went around to the back of the car next to Pete. I carefully reached between Phoenix and I, and unbuckled us. I gently picked him up and carried him into the house. Times like this is when I am very grateful that he is a heavy sleeper. I walked up the stairs and into his room, laying him down on his bed.

His hold on me didn't let go. I smiled down at him and laid next to him. I carefully covered him with the blanket as he snuggled closer to my body. I wrapped my arm around him and kissed his forehead. My eyes began to slightly close.


I was woken up by the sound of plastic crumpling together. I quickly opened my eyes and pushed my body so I was covering Phoenix. Once my eyes had finally adjusted to the light I was met with the confused faces of Pete and Kelly. It was like something clicked inside of Kelly's head because she gave me a sympathetic smile. I let out a sigh of relief seeing that it was only then and not someone dangerous.

I got out of the bed, accidentally waking Phoenix in the process. He rubbed his eyes with his tiny fists and let out a yawn. He scanned the room and once his eyes met mine a bright smile made its way onto his face.

"We didn't mean to wake you guys, we just thought it would be easier to sort them out if they were already up here." Pete said looking down at the huge pile of bags.

I just nodded in understanding and sat on the edge of the bed next to Phoenix. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began to pull me towards him. I chuckle at his way of wrestling. I mean, he is a lot smaller than I am, so it was quite difficult for him. His giggles were filling the room making a smile shine from my face.

"Alright bubba, lets take care of our new stuff. Just think of where you are going to put all of your new toys!" I said with happiness in my voice.

He jumped off the bed and began looking through the many bags laid on the ground. He instantly found one of his toy bags and proceeded to take every toy out of it, finding the perfect home for it in his room.

I reached down and grabbed a bag that had his new clothes in it and began to put them away in his closet. Shirt after shirt, pants after pants. He had so much clothes now, I don't even remember a time when he has ever had this much. Pete and Kelly were carrying even more bags up as we were going through them.

Phoenix and I got a system down, he takes all of the toy bags, and I take all of his clothes bags. And all of my bags are sitting in the little entry way into my room from his. Eventually I had placed all of his clothes in their proper place and sat on his bed as he was playing. He didn't make it to far into his bags, every time he pulled out a new toy, he would begin to play with it, resulting in only a few put away.

I grabbed one of his bags and began to place them on his shelf and all around his room. It still doesn't make any sense to me, why someone would go through so much trouble for 2 kids that aren't even theirs. I mean, sure I'm use to receiving little to nothing, but normal people don't do this. Right?

"If you want, I can help you put your things away." Kelly said as she stood in Phoenix's doorway watching us.

"Sure. That'd be great." I said with a smile plastered on my face.

She helped me carry all of the bags into my room. We probably ended up spending an hour just putting things away. The room looked even more beautiful with all of the decorations that were scattered here and there. We decided that we were going to change the theme in my room, they had it set up for someone who is a lot more girly than me. The walls were a light blue, which I didn't mind as much, but everything else was just a little to much for me.

It has a hardwood floor, a dresser, desk, bed, nightstand, and a small walk-in closet. The dresser, desk, and nightstand were all painted with just about every color there is. Now the bed, well to put it nicely, it looked like a unicorn threw up after drinking a shit ton of alcohol. Basically the whole room looked like that. So while we were out shopping today, I got some paint, and I got new decorations, and a new bed spread.

I liked the neutral kind of theme, the bed spread that I had got was a darker gray, almost black. But I had bought some white paint for the dresser, desk, and nightstand. I had gotten some contrasting pillows for my bed too, along with a somewhat lighter gray rug.

In all, the room looked pretty good. I was surprised at how decent everything turned out.

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