He Did It

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I manage to hold down the squeal in my throat. Hey, what can I say? They're two of my favourite actors.

Arnold strolls over to us with a confident swagger, the rest of the guys trailing behind him in awe. Sylvester stays in the tank.

"Hello! How you doing?" he says to me, holding his hand out.

Oh god, I can't take this. I burst out laughing. And not little laughing, full on, falling to the ground laughing. I hear Ari join in and she sinks to the ground beside me.

"Oh my- he said- HA!" I manage to choke out, and continue to laugh.

"Guys....FUCK we've got company! ABORT! ABORT!" hollers Liam.

Ari and I are up in an instant, and running. There are zombies - everywhere. They had knocked down the fence and  block the path to the tank....and the mall. We're trapped.

I pull the machine gun off my back and take aim at the nearest zombie. Well, here goes nothing. I pull the trigger and it hits it smack-bang between the eyes. Oooh! Headshot! I do it to another, and another, until I've killed dozens. But they keep coming. Hard. Zombies attach themselves to the army men, biting into their flesh.

"Run! Climb up the fire escape to the roof!" screams one of them. He holds up a grenade and pulls the pin. It goes off with a boom.

"Come on!'' I shout to the others, making my way to the fire escape ladder.  I only took a few steps, and a zombie stepped into my way, reaching out to me with a decayed arm. Without thinking I duck under it. Swivelling on my foot, I slice its head clean off. Another newly turned one, a woman, comes at me. Her arm has chucks out of it and she's a sickly green colour. With no hesitation, I stab her in the chest, looking into her eyes. Something human shows in them.

''He did it", she chokes out in a raspy voice. "Lab Elinco...they made us like this. He made them."

She starts to fall, and I catch her, lowering her to the ground. "Kill him. For us."

She goes limp. Dead.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 27, 2014 ⏰

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