Oh hell no.

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You guys asked for an update, so here it is!

Now I don't know if it will be very good, I've got a bit of writers block! Remember, if any of you have any ideas for the story feel free to either message me or comment!

Oh, and guys - please check out The Aussie Vampire Hunter - written by uniquemysteriousme.

She's only done the first chapter but it is awesome.

Now without further ado, here is the update.


"Hakuna your tatas!" I yell at everyone. Currently, a big argument was breaking out of whether we should bring Josh or not. Liam looks at me, confused. "It means chill", I say.


"Listen up people!" I speak. We are not leaving anybody behind! As much as I would like to leave this pale piece of shit" Josh scowls. "We are not going to! He is a human being, same as us!"

"What about Poppy?" says the girl.

"Yeah, of course we're bringing Poppy", I smile, patting Poppy's head.

"Nothing will happen to her?''

"Of course not. "

"Pinky swear."

"I swear."

We link pinkies. Pinky promise.

After that, we all came up with a plan.



"Where do the drainpipes lead to?"

That was one of the many questions about the plan. The plan was that we would go out the drain pipes. But the problems with this plan is we aren't one hundred percent sure where we'll end up.

"This is too risky. We don't know where they lead, and if there are zombies in them or not.

"Well, um...why don't we just send a few of us down there to look?" I suggest timidly.

"We don't know how long you'll actually have to go to get somewhere, I mean--" Liam gets cut off.


We hear gunshots along with it. We all rush to the side of the building.

You have got to be shitting me. Why the fuck is Arnold Schwarzenegger riding down Main Street in a tank?

The army guys sprint downstairs. I yell a quick "stay here!" to the girls and follow them, Ari on my heels. I knew she could protect herself. She took the same self defence class as me. I pause before the door and swiftly grab the katana from the bag.

We jump down the stairs as quickly as we can. I completely abandon the door and put my parkor training into action. I launch myself onto the rail and jump. I stick my foot out and spring off of the other wall. I'm  onto the next flight of stairs. I continue doing the same thing. I finally reach the bottom and look around wildly. A force knocks into me from behind. It's not Ari. I left her waayy behind.

I turn around, the katana in hand.  It's Josh.

"How the fuck did you get out?" I hiss at him.

"I climbed. Duh", he says simply.

"How so quickly?"

"You aren't the only one that knows parkor."

I just glare at him. I suddenly remember why i'm down here. I continue swivelling my head around and listen. I can still hear the motor, no gunfire though. I follow the noise, Josh right behind me.

I finally reach the source of the noise. It's towards the back of the building in the staff parking lot. I scan around for zombies, and realize that a fence is around the car park. I can see the tank barrelling along and the army guys and Liam waving to it wildly. The tank turns around, squashing a few zombies in its path. Liam slides the gate open and the tank enters. He shuts it behind them.

The tanks stops and Arnold hops off of the gun platform. I wonder who drove.

I watch the door open slowly. A second later, a guys hops out. He turns around.

No freakin' way. Guess who it is?

Sylvester Stallone.

What is this? The fucking Hollywood walk of fame?


Hey guys! I know, not a very good chapter. It's unedited.

The plan will be put in to action soon.

I would REEAAAALLLy like some feedback.

- Good night,  don't let the zombies bite.


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