The Intruder

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I turn around. Slowly. A pale, unshaven guy in his late twenties holds a gun. And it's pointed at my head. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" I yell at him. Liam points his gun at the guys head.

"Shoot me and I'll shoot her!" he spits at Liam in an English accent.

Hayley didn't have a gun, I don't know where the one she just had was. "Drop your gun!" he snaps at me. I notice Ari quietly walking the opposite way down the corridor, behind him. Her eyes widen but she doesn't make a sound. She has a gun. I roll my eyes and let it drop with a loud clang. "Yours to pretty boy". Liam doesn't do it. "Drop the damn gun or I'll kill her!" he roars.

"Shoot anybody and I'll blow your head off, you ugly ass motherfucker", Ari's cool voice says. The guy spins around and I take that as my chance. I roundhouse kick him and he drops to the floor, unconscious.

"Dick," I mutter.

"Let's tie the asshole up and ask some questions," says Liam. I go and get more rope to tie him up. Hayley takes his gun. We make our way to the roof again, dragging him behind us.

"So where did you learn to do a kick like that?" asks Hayley.

"Self defence," I shrug. "I've been in a few fights at school too, that's why I was here in the first place."


We reach the roof and chuck him into a caged area, locking the door. "Who's that?" asks Hope, her eyebrows furrowed. "Why is he tied up and how did he get in?"


"Oh my god!" I say.

"What?" everybody turns to look at me.

"How did he get in? And what if something else followed him in?"

Everybody goes pale. "He wouldn't be that stupid, I mean, look at him," says Lola.

"I am looking, and all I'm seeing is a twat that just had a gun pointed at my head!"

"Well....we should check any way," says the girl that jumped out of the car with my sister.

"A group of us should go down there, and a group of us stay here," says a dark skinned, muscly guy.

In the end, it was decided that all of the guys went down there while us girls stayed up here.

When the guys went, we sat near the fence but kept a far distance of 2 metres between us.

I look at him. He was better looking than I first thought. He has slightly curly sandy-brownish-blonde hair, with high cheekbones, with slight facial hair. He's wearing a white t-shirt, black jeans and sneakers. I happen to glance down at his arms. There's puncture marks on them.

"Girls, come here. Look at his arms. What's with the holes?" I say.

They all come over.

"They look like needle marks," says Lola.

"They're from drugs! Believe me...I used to do it. He was on drugs!" exclaims Lisa.

He moans. We all jump back. His eyes open.

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