The dramatic entry.

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We all rush to one of the balconies.  Below us, we see a bizarre sight.  A Holden Torana screeches to the hospital doors, followed by an army tank.  We immediately rush down to the doors to let them in.  After all, the zombies were following.  We all get to the doors and unlock them, and Liam runs out to help, telling us to stay inside.  He shoots down a few of the closest zombies.  I look at the tank.  The door opens, and to my shock, it's my best friend!  She has a machine gun in her hands and she starts shooting.  When she's finished I shout her name.

"Ari!  Over here!".  She jumps off and runs to the doors, hugging me.  "Are there more in there?", I ask.

"Yeah, but they can take care of themselves", she answers.  I look at the car and see my sister hop out!

"Hope!! Watch out!!!" I scream, as a zombie rushes up behind her.  She quickly turns and hits in squarely in the face with her gun. 

"Come on Stella!!!" I hear her scream at the car.  Another girl hops out, and they run to us.

I hear more footsteps and I see Liam, two muscly guys and a girl about the same age as me running to us.  They're yelling something, but I can't here them.  Finally as they get closer I hear them.  "GET DOWN!!!!!!!!!!" and that's when the bomb goes off.

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