Chapter 14- Epilogue

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I sat on a bench at the park where Stella had use to play. It was mid October now- eight months after her passing. The leaves were changing from forest green to brilliant shades of red, yellow, and orange. Children laughed and squealed in delight as they jumped into the piles of leaves they had created. I smiled at the sight.

I missed her everyday. There was no denying that. I had wanted to disappear the moment she took her final breath. I had lost a little sister, and her family had lost the most precious thing in their lives.

However, their familial bond grew stronger after Stella's passing. Layla and Henry grew closer as a couple, and their relationship with Seraphina improved immensely. There were no hard feelings against each other, which I was grateful for. They were strong, and they were going to survive.

Though they were alright, I had left the Green residence. There was no reason for me to stick around anymore. My job was complete.

I leaned back against the bench, sighing in content. I could faintly hear footsteps behind me, but I made no effort to look. The person sat beside me, wearing light denim jeans, black combat boots, and what looked like a maroon long sleeved sweater. I didn't look at their face- I was content with watching the children play, reminding me of simpler times.

" You did good," the voice beside me said.

I froze at the sound of the light and airy voice. I hadn't heard that voice since I was eight years old. Hesitantly, I looked over at the woman beside me. Her black hair was pulled into a messy braid that was thrown over her right shoulder, and her blue eyes glistened as she scanned the children with a gentle smile.

" Mom," I whispered.

She turned her attention to me, and her smile grew.

" Hello, Chris."

I grabbed her and hugged her, feeling her in my embrace once again. When she hugged me back, I let the tears of joy and sadness flow like a river. She patted my back soothingly, just like she use to when I was a child.

" I'm here, kiddo," she said. " I'm here."

At the nickname, my heart skipped a beat. That was the nickname I gave Stella. I had forgotten where I had picked it up from.

" I've missed you," I told her as we pulled apart.

She nodded. " I've missed you, too."

" So, are you, like, in Heaven, or how does it work?" I asked.

She laughed. God, I missed her laugh.

" Yes. I'm an angel in Heaven, along with someone else I think you might like to see."

She pointed a slender finger towards the children, and I scanned them. None of them popped out to me at first. As I let my eyes wander, I finally saw her.

Her fiery red hair was pulled back into two tight braids that rested on each shoulder. Her emerald eyes were blazing with glee as she ran around with the other children, though they couldn't see her. She wore a magnificent white dress that brought all the color out more.

I fell to my knees on the ground as I gazed upon the little girl who had changed my life for the better.

" Stella," I whispered.

My voice carried with the wind. She heard her name and looked up, and icy blue eyes met with emerald green. Her eyes widened, and she sprinted towards me. My arms were already opened wide as she dove for me.



We held each other, laughing and crying at the sight of one another. My mother watched from the bench, giggling at the sight.

We stayed like that for what seemed like hours before I realized that the sun was going down. I let go of Stella as my mother tugged on her sleeve.

" Time to go, Princess," she said.

" Okay!" Stella answered with glee.

My heart sank at the words. She was leaving me again.

I stood up with them and hugged my mother, then Stella.

" I guess this is goodbye, again," I said solemnly.

Stella gave me a look of confusion.

" Has she not told you?"

I looked at my mother.

She smiled and said, " Are you coming?"

To say the least, I was confused.

" I don't understand."

" Well, a princess like Stella needs a prince like yourself, Chris," she explained.

What she was telling me started to dawn on me. My smile returned again as I looked between the two of them.

" You mean-?"

" Come on, Chris!" Stella said impatiently. " We're going home."

" Home," I murmured. " Yeah."

I grabbed Stella's right hand and my mother's left hand. I looked at the two of them, feeling happier than I ever had before.

" Let's go home."

Word Count: 801

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