Chapter 6- What Really Happened

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The memories of that night hit me like a runaway train straight to the gut. I fell flat on my ass in the snow as they swarmed me, engulfing me in darkness.

I didn't see the stop sign ahead. I was so focused on Melanie's hand creeping up my thigh, and I was drunk from the alcohol and the adrenaline. Melanie didn't see the semi truck either. I felt the pain, though, as soon as the semi collided with my car. It hit my side of the vehicle, so I took the majority of the impact. The pain felt like I was burning alive, my skin feeling like it was melting off my body. My neck made a snapping noise, and darkness took away the screams from Melanie and the pain in my body.


" Can we save him, Doctor?"

" I'm afraid not. His injuries are far too great. We'll have to pull the plug."

" NO! Let my baby have a chance!"

" I'm sorry, Mrs. Grove. He's too far gone."

I heard the conversation between the doctor and my Aunt Rachel, then I heard the sound of the heart monitor flatline. 


I was in some weird in between place. In front of me was a brilliant white light, and behind me was a burning fire. It occurred to me that I was dead, and this was the Judgement Hall. I stood in the middle and waited for some sort of sign or for someone to show me the way.

" Finally, you're here!" a voice all around me exclaimed.

I turned and searched for the body of the voice. What I found shocked me. In front of me stood a teenage boy with flowing silver locks and captivating gold eyes. His chiseled features made me feel self conscious about my own appearance. He was taller than me, too.

" Where am I?"

" Well, you've already figured that out," the boy in front of me said. " This is the Judgement Hall."

" Why am I here?" I asked.

" Because you're dead. Duh!"

Though I had already figured out the answer, a chill ran down my spine so violently I shuddered.

" Man, you're in bad shape," the boy said, clicking his tongue.

" What do you mean?"

He waved his hand and a large mirror appeared in front of me. I screamed at the sight. My neck was twisted at an impossible angle, both my legs were broken, my left arm was missing, and my entire left side of my face was caved in.

" What the hell happened to me?!"

" You were in a car accident YOU caused," the boy answered nonchalantly.

I closed my eyes and put my hands over my ears.

" No, no, no, no, NO!! I CAN'T BE DEAD!"

" But you are. Now, you're with me."

I looked up slowly at the boy, whose demeanor has now changed drastically. He was more serious than mere seconds ago, and his gold eyes now swirled with black ink in the mix.

" Who are you?" I asked slowly.

" The Grim Reaper.

" And," he continued. " I think it's about time to decide your fate- Heaven or Hell. Which do you think you're going to?"

I thought for a moment before lowering my head.

" I want to join my mom in Heaven, but I know I deserve to go to Hell. I shouldn't have gotten into the driver's seat drunk. I should've called a cab. I should've done literally anything else but drive. This is my fault, and I have to pay."

" I wish I could fix it," I whispered to myself.

Cold, sharp metal touched the back of my neck, pricking my skin. I knew what it was without needing to look. It was his scythe, of course.

" So, you want to redeem yourself. Is that correct?"

" Yes," I answered.

" And how are you going to do that?"

" Give me a task and I'll do it," I said.

" Any task?"

" Did I stutter?"

" No, you didn't. Just making sure you know what you're getting yourself into," the Reaper replied.

The blade was lifted from my neck and I stood. His smile had returned and the ink in his eyes had vanished.

" Well then, how about you save someone's life, since you took one away?" he asked me.

" I'll do it," I agreed. " It's only fair."

The Reaper laughed. " Great! Well, for this part, I'm gonna have to knock you out and make you forget about our conversation. Don't worry, you'll remember who you are, you just won't remember how you died and how you came here."

" Alright, then," I said.

He held out his hand, and I took it and shook. The second I did, my head held heavier, I became dizzy, and I fell towards the black ground, back into the darkness I went.


" Melanie," I whispered as I stared at the girl in the wheelchair.

So that was what he had meant. I ruined her life by permanently crippling her.

I felt cold suddenly, and my body went numb. I looked at my hands, which were turning blue and purple. I was dead, so why was I suffering frostbite and possible hypothermia?

Stella looked over to me and ran my way. Her mother stopped her and whispered something in her ear. Stella nodded before she resumed her journey to me. 

" Mama, my friend is sick!" she cried.

" Well, what would you like me to do, Sweetpea?" Layla asked.

" Could you please carry him?"

" Well, if I must," Layla responded jokingly, and she picked me up and threw me over her shoulder.

She received a couple of looks at first, but people were understanding when she said she was helping her daughter's "friend" get to the car. They laughed and went on their way.

I couldn't speak. My mouth and tongue were frozen, rendering me speechless. My gaze was still focused on the girl I had a huge crush on, the one with vancant eyes. Those eyes were only there because of me- I had caused her misery.

" Chris! Please speak!" Stella cried loudly.

Her mother hushed her, but her voice carried all the way to Melanie's ears. The brunette looked up at the red head that was looking at something on her mother's shoulder.

" Chris?" she mumbled. " She can't mean Chris Jensen, right?"

" Right?"

Word Count: 1094

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