Chapter 7- A Close Call

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I was taken back to Stella's room after the ordeal, yet I remained in a comatose state. My body was frozen stiff from the memories and from the weather outside, though THAT should not have had an effect. Layla had placed me on the bed and left, leaving Stella to sit and take care of me. I wish I had been more useful in those moments so that poor Stella had not been frightened, but there was nothing a paralyzed ghost could do.

I remember falling asleep on Stella's bed, but I don't remember being moved. When I awoke, I was on the floor near the closet. Stella was sitting at her vanity with a pencil at hand. I got up slowly and walked to her, looking over her shoulder to see what she was up to.

She was drawing a gray creature with red glowing eyes. Its mouth was gaping open, revealing a large row of sharp teeth. The drawing was grotesque and demented for a young girl to be drawing.

" What is that?" I asked Stella.

" The Grays," she answered. " They're bad."

" What do they do?"

" They follow bad people and latch on to whoever the bad person wants it to. It's like all the bad emotions with a body," she explained. " My uncle has one that I've seen only once, but it doesn't like to show itself."

" Did it latch itself on to you?"

" No," she replied. " It stayed in the closet."

Laughter crept under the crack of Stella's bedroom door, alerting me of a party going on downstairs.

" Another party, huh?" I asked.

Stella nodded, rubbing her eyes.

" Are you tired?"

" Uh-huh," she yawned, placing the pencil down back on the page.

I picked her up and placed her in her bed, tucking her in tightly to make sure she stayed warm and cozy.

" Uh, Chris," Stella spoke. " You have something on your face."

" Huh? Where?" I asked, beginning to rub my face.

" Come here and I'll get it for you," she said sweetly.

I bent closer, and she leaned up and gave me a small peck of the cheek. I stayed there for a solid minute, a blush creeping on my face as I listened to her laughter.

" I got you!" she cried happily.

" Well, I guess it's my turn to do something!" I said, and I began tickling her sides.

Her giggles quickly turned into loud fits of laughter as I continued. Her laugh was contagious and sweet, and it made me happy that I was given the opportunity to meet this angel. I stopped tickling her and tucked her in again, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

" Sweet dreams, Stella," I murmured.

" Goodnight, Chris," she sleepily responded before closing her eyes and dozing off.

I sat on the ground and leaned against the closet door, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.


I woke up to something wet and slimy gripping my leg a little too roughly. I opened my eyes and looked down. On my legs was a gray hand with a mucus covering and long claws. I went to scream, but its other hand found its way to my mouth, and suddenly I was pulled into the closet.

I could feel its hot, raunchy breath hit the back of my neck at a steady pace, making me shudder in disgust. It grazed its fangs against my neck before biting down and taking a chunk of flesh. I let out a muffled cry of agony as I felt the blood flow down my neck.

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