Chapter 8- Small Confrontation

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My encounter with the Gray was something I never wanted to experience again. It fed on a soul's fear and anguish and drained them completely. Had I not been motivated by rage and determination to save Stella, the Gray would have killed me. I got lucky.

Now, the scary part about the Grays is that they are EVERYWHERE! All over the house, I see them hiding in places I would have never looked. The Grays could change their shape at any time, so some were nothing more than gray blobs hiding in a flower vase. Others were rigid and stiff, hiding in dark corners to avoid detection. In the house alone, there had to be about twenty Grays.

Stella was the only one who could see them, too. Though Layla is psychic, she was never able to see the dark entities that lurked around the home. It seemed only Stella had the Hell of seeing those creatures. Looking back on it, I think I know why only she could see them. The poor girl was going through so much that even I didn't know about.

When we went around Seattle, I could see more Grays clinging to people. They hung on lawyers, doctors, police officers, firefighters, etcetera. Anyone who had a job filled with constant stress had a Gray clinging to their back, draining their energy and life.

" Why can you see the Grays, but your mom can't?" I asked Stella.

We were at the park again two weeks later. Next week would be Christmas.

" I don't know," Stella replied as she played with the leftover mush of snow. " I never ask."

" Why are they all around the house?"

" They follow me, of course!"

" But why?"

" Because they like me," she answered.

" Doesn't it scare you?"

" Well, yeah, but I know you'll be there to protect me!" she beamed.

I smiled at the response. She was just too cute!

She went farther off to play, and that's when I saw Melanie. My heart picked up pace just like it use to when I was alive. She was in her wheelchair, her hazel eyes following Stella's movements. I moved closer to her, wanting so desperately to touch her, to be able to apologize to her.

" Excuse me," Melanie called to Stella. " I need to ask you a question."

Stella looked to me, and I nodded. She returned her attention to Melanie.

" Okay! What's your question?"

" Did you know Christopher Jensen by any chance?" Melanie asked hesitantly.

" I do know him!" Stella said.

" You did?"

" Do," Stella corrected. " I know him."

" Then you must not have heard," Melanie replied. " He passed away."

" I know!" Stella answered enthusiastically.

" You do?!"

" Yep! He's now my friend!"

Melanie's face turned cold.

" Don't say stuff like that. You don't know what you're talking about."

I saw the Gray out of the corner of my eye. It was creeping up on Melanie slowly, waiting for her emotions to rage out of control.

" Stella," I warned.

" I see it," she said, turning to me.

" See what?" Melanie asked.

" The Gray," Stella replied honestly. " It's coming to you."

" What's a Gray?"

" A monster that eats your good feelings and makes you feel bad," Stella explained.

" What a liar."

" Halloween night, she was dressed as the Grim Reaper," I told Stella. " Tell her what she was wearing to the party."

" You were the Grim Reaper for a Halloween party," Stella repeated.

Melanie's eyes widened, but she remained silent.

" She has been dancing and drinking with me all night," I told Stella. " During one of the songs, she kissed me on the lips. When the party was over, I told her I would drive her home. In the car, she had her hand on my leg. We were laughing and joking around. The last thing I said before we got hit by the semi was, ' This is a night I will never forget'."

Stella repeated the story to Melanie. By the end of it, she had tears running down her face and a hand over her mouth. She couldn't speak.

" Tell her I'm sorry for taking away the one thing she loved to do," I said solemnly.

" He wants to apologize for hurting you, and taking away something you loved. What did you love doing?"

" She loved to dance," I answered.

" Oh, so she can't dance anymore?" Stella asked, then looked at Melanie, whose eyes were wider than an anime character.

" He's here?" she whispered.

Stella nodded.

" Stella!" Layla called from the other side of the park. " Time to go!"

" Let's go, Chris!" she said excitedly, and she ran to her mother.

I stayed where I was, merely staring at the girl I had been crushing on since day one of freshman year at Seattle University. Her tears pulled at my heart, and I wish I could've touched her in that moment and let her know that I was here, and I was sorry. I couldn't though. She wasn't psychic and I couldn't just make a physical body.

As much as I wanted to stay with her, I couldn't. I began to walk away until I remembered the Gray. I looked around and saw that it had disappeared. I smiled and returned to Stella and Layla, and we made our way back home.

Word Count: 927

A/N: Short chapter, I know. But I don't know really what else to add to this chapter. I kind of have writer's block at the moment, so I'll update when I can. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I already know how I want it to end, and you may not like me for it. I'm actually adding in subtle clues to the ending. I hope you're paying attention!

Thank you for reading, and I will see you in the next chapter!

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