Chapter 1- Goodbye, and... Hello?

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Everyone ends up dead at some point. It's just the blatant truth. How we end up dead is either left up to fate, or poorly made choices. See, I guess I made a poor choice that resulted in such tragic results.

The name's Christopher Jensen, and what was suppose to be the best night of my life turned out the be the worst- and last- day of my life.

I'm a sophomore at Seattle University, which means I was pretty smart. I didn't use my brain for good things, though. I liked partying and drinking a lot. It helped me forget a couple things here and there. Anyway, Halloween night was the night where EVERYONE was going to Michael Robin's annual Halloween Party, including the girl I was crushing on big time. The party had started at 8:00 p.m, and you HAD to be in costume. I decided to dress up as a zombie, as it was one of the easier costumes to do that didn't mess up my looks completely, and still looked sick. I had black hair that could look good in any position (especially tasseled), and my blue eyes were a little on the darker side, making them seem mysterious to some. 

If I'm being honest, I would say that I'm a pretty good looking guy. I have the black hair and blue eyes, I'm 6'4, I'm lean from playing baseball, and I have no acne or acne scars. My face is a little squared, but it seems to work for the ladies. I'm not one, however, to make a move on any of them. Sure, the girls are cute, but that's about it. There's no personality to them in the slightest. They're robots, conforming to societal standards in order to be "beautiful".

There is only one girl who had caught my eye, and that was Melanie Amor. She was naturally beautiful, with chestnut brown hair and dazzling hazel eyes. She saw the good in everything, and was bluntly honest with any topic or situation. That's what attracted me to her. And that night, I was going to ask her out.

The party had begun on time, and I was dress to impress. Decorations littered the house, with spiderwebs hanging from the ceiling, fake pumpkins lining the staircase, blood red candles sat on counter tops and tables, and mini skulls were found everywhere and anywhere. Black and orange streamers hung from hooks on the ceiling, and colored lights filtered throughout the house.

I have always been a fan of Michael's parties for the decorations, and the alcohol.

" The Monster Mash" by Bobby Pickett was blaring over the speakers, drowning out many conversations. Most of the girls were dressed up as the "sexy" version of scary characters, while the majority of the guys went as policemen, firemen, and doctors- anything that made them look good to the ladies. Very few had on some good costumes, like a bloody broken doll, or a skin walker, or a demon. Those were the costumes I had mad respect for.

As I made my way to the bar, I bumped into someone, nearly knocking them down. I grabbed their sleeve the last second, catching them.

" Are you okay?" I asked.

The hood fell, and my heart began to pulse rapidly. It was Melanie!

" Yeah, thanks to you," she said, giving me a small smile.

" What are you dressed up as?" I questioned, looking at her costume.

She giggled. " I'm the Grim Reaper, and I've come for your soul."

That should have been the first warning sign.

" Do you wanna have a drink with me?" she asked so sweetly.

That was warning sign number two.

Throughout the night, I was either drinking, dancing, eating, or any combination of the three. As I danced with Melanie, she stood on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on my lips. I was exhilarated. We stayed close to one another for the night, and it seemed like everything was going right.

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