Chapter 9- The Present

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I had studied the Green family the moment I arrived. Curiosity is only natural, but there was another reason for it. I wanted to see how a family was suppose to act. There was love and compassion in this household, but there was also anger and depression. I guess no family can escape the latter, though it still shattered my heart to see it with Stella's family.

Christmas was two days away at this point. Decorations littered the hallways, with green and red streamers hanging from the chandeliers, candles adorning every table, the smell of cinnamon pine cones wafting  through every room, and a large Christmas tree sitting in the middle of the living room. Though the decorations were simple, there was an abundance of them, and each piece was placed in an orderly fashion, giving the house more of an elegant feeling.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the scents of Christmas, enjoying the holiday with a certain little girl who has become my little sister.

I returned to Stella's room, knocking on the door and waiting to be invited in. She threw the door open excitedly, her emerald eyes blazing with joy.

" I can't wait for Christmas!" she cried, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the room.

I laughed as I stumbled, nearly falling on my ass. I kept my balance, composing myself after a moment.

" I can't wait either," I said. " Though, it's too bad I can't buy you anything."

" Well, you could tell mama," she said.

I mentally face palmed myself. Why didn't I think of that?!

" Alright, I'll do that after you go to your rehearsal," I promised.

" You're going to be there, right?"

" Of course!" I exclaimed. " There's no way I'm missing your choir concert. Especially since you have a solo."

She shrieked in delight and hugged me.

" Yay! Chris is going to my concert!"

A soft knock on the door caught Stella's attention. There always seemed to be someone knocking as I recount these events.

The door opened to reveal Layla.

" Hello, you two," she greeted, smiling at us.

" Hi, mama!" Stella replied.

" Hey," I waved.

" So, what do you two have planned for the evening, besides her concert tonight?" she asked.

" I actually wanted to talk to you about a gift for her," I said.

Layla's eyes gleamed with delight, and maybe a little bit of mischief, at the mention of a gift.

" Stella, go help your father in the kitchen. He's making cookies."

" Okay!" Stella obeyed, jumping away from me and skipping out of the room with a tune on her lips.

When the door closed, Layla gave me a look that said, " I'm listening."

" I want to get her something that she likes, wants, and needs, and that's something special between the two of us," I immediately say. " Any ideas on that?"

" Well, she always get clothes, toys, jewelry, and a few other knickknacks," Layla replied thoughtfully. " Honestly, your relationship with her is a strong one, so I don't exactly know how to show that."

She looked at me and asked a question I would never forget.

" What would your parents have gotten you?"

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