Chapter 12- False Hope

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Stella had stayed overnight in the hospital when I was told about her fate. She came home the next day, and my heart sank at the sight of her. Her eyes were glassy and dull, her once fiery red hair was drained and hung limply in two braids, and her once cheerful aura was dark. She was sad, depressed, and there was nothing I could do that would change that. She was sick, and she knew that this was one she would not recover from.

She went straight to her bed when she got home, not even giving me a smile as she passed me. I followed her and cuddled her as she slept, making sure I didn't let my tears hit her. Layla would come in occasionally to check on her daughter, her own eyes red and puffy. Henry came and checked on her too, but he would not approach her bed. He would merely stand in the doorway and watch her sleep. Then, with a saddened heart, he'd leave.

This was the same pattern for two weeks. There was no sign of Seraphina, who had locked herself in her bedroom after hearing the news of what was happening. The Grays were more active around the house, but when they came to Stella's room, their newfound energy was tarnished. The colorful orbs had returned as well, swarming Stella and giving her comfort. I knew it was Reiner and Evelyn, for it was a white and blue orb that would always come around and stay with her.

There were a few times where Stella would speak to me, her once energetic voice now replaced with a monotone one. She would always ask questions about what was going to happen to her, what was happening to her, and the worst question of all was always asked when we were alone.

" Am I going to die?"

The first time she had asked me that, my head had snapped into her direction faster than lightning. I was horrified that she would even think that.

" Of course not!" I had told her.

Now, as we laid in bed as the sun went down, she asked me again.

" Chris, am I going to die?"

I looked down at her solemnly, and I shrugged.

" To be honest, kiddo, I don't know. It can go either way."

" What do YOU want to happen?"

" I want you to live," I told her, looking at her. " You're too young to die."

" Wouldn't keeping me alive help you with going to Heaven?" she asked.

" What do you mean?"

" Well, the man in the black hood said that you were only here to make up for something bad you did. Is that true?"

I turned her so we could look each other in the eyes.

" It was, in the beginning," I replied. " That was before I got to know you, your mother, your sister, and even your father. This family, though it has mistakes, is an amazing family. You love each other through thick and thin, and there is always something to be happy about.

" And you," I continued. " You've made me a better person- or ghost, in this case. Point being, you've changed me, and I thank you for that."

I kissed the top of her head lightly.

" I don't want you to go because you're my family, and I love you," I finished.

She had tears in her eyes as she smiled at me. It was the first time in a couple of weeks that I had seen it, and God how I missed it.

She buried her face into my chest, and we laid down. I listened to her breathing steady and slow as she fell into a deep sleep. Before long, I followed suit, praying that when I woke up in the morning, she would too.


A week later, I woke up to find a certain child missing from her bed. I bolted upright and jumped out of bed, hoping that she hadn't been taken away so soon. I went through the door and looked around, and I stood there in confusion. The Grays were missing, which was not normal. Also, the air seemed a bit lighter than it had for the past couple weeks.

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